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Showing posts from June, 2020

Taking A Break

Hello Beautiful People!      I have some very bad news. As you could tell, it took FOREVER to get my last post out and you could probably tell it was not my best work. It was very rushed and not as detailed.      Sadly, I will be leaving blogging for a while. I am slowing down my posting. I may post again in a few weeks, but not as much.      I started a job, and I am very busy. I work to at least nights now. I enjoy my job, but I am very tired afterward.      Next week, I am leaving for three weeks to a music school that I go to every week. It is a gospel music school that teaches students that love the music ministry. I am very excited to go. It is what I look forward to every year. I love fellowshipping with other Christians and serving the Lord through music! I should make a post about my journey at this school when I arrive back.      I am going on vacation after those three weeks as well. I should be posting about the trip as well. I should, Lord willing, start school agai

10 Reasons Why You Should NOT Start A Blog

           Hey Beautiful People,            Last week I wrote a blog post called 10 Reasons Why You Should Start A Blog .   This week's post, I will be writing the sequel I promised called 10 Reasons Why You Should NOT Start A Blog.  I hope you all enjoy. : ) 1. You Do Not Write on a Regular Basis      You need to do what you are passionate about. If you hate to write and decide to start a blog, you will be miserable. Do what you love always.  2. You Are Trying To Get Attention " Take heed that ye do not your alms before men, to be seen of them: otherwise ye have no reward of your Father which is in heaven." Matthew 6:1      I know so many girls who have made blogs for attention. I am not going to name names because I was that girl as well. I over advertised my blog being very annoying because I wanted attention in the past. I was done wrong by a few people, so I wanted the world to know about it. I wanted them to feel bad about what they did. 

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