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10 Reasons Why You Should NOT Start A Blog

     Hey Beautiful People,
     Last week I wrote a blog post called 10 Reasons Why You Should Start A Blog. This week's post, I will be writing the sequel I promised called 10 Reasons Why You Should NOT Start A Blog. I hope you all enjoy. : )

1. You Do Not Write on a Regular Basis

     You need to do what you are passionate about. If you hate to write and decide to start a blog, you will be miserable. Do what you love always. 

2. You Are Trying To Get Attention

"Take heed that ye do not your alms before men, to be seen of them: otherwise ye have no reward of your Father which is in heaven."
Matthew 6:1

     I know so many girls who have made blogs for attention. I am not going to name names because I was that girl as well. I over advertised my blog being very annoying because I wanted attention in the past. I was done wrong by a few people, so I wanted the world to know about it. I wanted them to feel bad about what they did. 
     Guys, a blog is not about having revenge or getting attention. We should use our blogs to help each other; not to tear each other down. I have seen a blog where a girl used hers to put down her ex-boyfriend to have more attention, and I have read some that were triggered against their family. Do not use a blog for attention or drama. If you are using it for drama, it needs to change. 

3. You Are Immature

     I do not believe you should start a blog if you are immature. This means spiritually and mentally. Keep in mind, this is my personal opinion. You should be old enough to know what you are doing, and where you are in life. Also, if you are spiritually immature you should not be having a blog. You need to be a good example to those all around you.

4. You Have Not Taken Advanced Grammer Classes

     In order to be more professional in blogging, I advise you to take a some-what advanced English class. There are not any points to spend money on a blog that is not professionally written. I started out with terrible grammar in ninth grade, and I cringe every time I look back. I have taken two college English classes that has changed my writing completely. I strongly advise you to take a few grammar classes, or review before you start. 

5. It Can Be Dangerous

     I hate this reason so much. Having a blog can be very dangerous. Be careful about what you post online, especially about yourself. Make sure you stay more private with your life. I have never had a stalker, but I have had personal questions asked. 
     I keep my full name and location private to have more privacy. If you are underage, you should definitely think about these things. Be careful who you message and what you post about your personal life.

6. It Takes Up Family Time

     One of the worst things about blogging is that it is a time-eater. You can lose family time if you are not careful. I have been in my room for hours writing instead of spending time with my family. You will have to find a schedule. I am now working a few minutes a day on one post. It has been two weeks, and I finally posted this post. 

7. It Is A Job

     Blogging is hard work It takes time. It takes all of your efforts. It can drain all the time you have in a day. It becomes a job. Right now I am working. This means I have two jobs. It is hard working all day and finding time to do my second job which is writing for this blog. 
     I am very behind in my writing even when I said in order to have a blog, you need a schedule. XD I am trying my best to keep my blogging journey going. I have four days off next week. 

8. It Is Not Easy

     Like I said in #7, blogging is hard. It is NOT easy. It requires effort and determination. If you are not up for the challenge, you should not start a blog.

9. God Did Not Call You

"...beseech you that ye walk worthy of the vocation wherewith ye are called"
Ephesians 4:1

     We should not go against the will of the Father. There are serious consequences when we go against him. He has a plan for everyone. If God has called you to start a blog, go for it. If you are planning or thinking on the idea, pray about it. God will lay on your heart if he wants you to. I have so much peace when I prayed on the idea. You should, too. : )

10. You Are Lost

     Blogging is great and is so much fun, but if you are trying to be a godly example, make sure you are in the place. In order to be a witness, we need to make the first step of becoming a child of God. If you are unsaved, it is blind leading the blind.


     I hope you guys liked this post, and if you are starting a blog, I am so excited for you! Blogging is hard, but it is such a thrill. The best part is feedback from readers. I am so excited to see where my blogging career goes! I could have not gotten to 1000 readers this week with our God. I give him full honor and glory! Thank you guys for the lovely reading and feedback! I hope to be writing soon again. I love and I am praying for every one of you. <3

Your Sister In Christ,
Kayla R. 


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