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My Prayer For My Senior Year

Dear Heavenly Father,
     It is finally the year, the year I have looked forward to for twelve years. God, I am nervous. I have no clue about the plans you have for my life. I am clueless. After this year, all I have is a road I must choose. I must choose what I major, where I go, what group I will join, what I should take, who I marry, how to raise my future children to glorify you.  God, I am scared. I am terrified of the life I am about to experience after this year. I want to hold onto these moments forever. I hate change. Why do we all have to change? Why can't things just stay as they are?
     What I am so thankful for is I do not have to walk alone. You are always with me wherever I go. I pray I will seek you in this new life I will be entering. Let me walk the path you desire me to. Guide me oh Lord, show me the way.
     This senior year is not the year I have been planning my whole childhood. Our classes are split. I never can see my friends. How can I experience these last few moments of childhood? I can never see everyone's beautiful smiling faces. We are all under a mask. God, I have no idea what you are doing, but I am going to walk by faith and keep my trust in you.
     I pray I will not let my faith slip. Use me, Lord in the places you see fit. Use my hands and feet. Let me be a reflection of your grace, Lord. I pray when I speak, everyone will see you. I pray they can see you through my mask in my actions. Let me be grounded and rooted in you.
     As I pray every year before school begins, if there is anyone I can win for you, let me win them for you. I pray I can plant a seed in someone. Let me be your faithful servant.
     If there is anything you would like me to do oh God, help me do it wholeheartedly. I want to do what you need me to do. Help me honor you. This year counts so much. Help me not be lazy. There are times when I want to give up on everything. Give me the strength to finish out this year strong. Let me be a testament of you to others.

In Jesus's sweet and wonderful name, Amen.


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