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A Letter To My Younger Self

Dear Little Me,

     There are so many things that I wish I could go back in time to tell you. Sadly, that is impossible. Life is not like those SiFi movies you love. You can never go back in time to change things. The past will forever be the same past. What you can do is change the future.
     Life is a beautiful thing. Everything God makes has a purpose and is beautiful. Life can also turn on you and be cruel and unfair. Do not be scared, little one. It will all go smoothly. Just keep seeking the Lord. He will be your guide and friend. He will always be there to guide you and tell you the truth. You just need to choose to listen. In this letter, I will be telling you a few things I wish you could know.

Popularity Does Not Define You

     You wish you could be her. You wish you were with them. You wish you could eat what they eat and wear what they wear. Little Mikayla, be who you are. Those girls will mean nothing to you in the end. It is okay to eat a peanut and butter sandwich every day. Trust me, you will thank your mother in the end for making you eat healthier than your classmates.
     You do not have to be popular to be loved. Most do not have a life. They are miserable. Live Mikayla!! When you get into the eighth grade you will understand popularity does not define you. Be surrounded by people who love you the most. Not the way you dress or watch on tv. JUST BE YOU!!

It Is Not The End of The World If He Is Not The One

      Mikayla, Mikayla, stay away from those boys. At those ages they are pigs. It is going to take a bit for them to grow up and mature. It is not the end of the world if they like another girl over you. It is not the end of the world if they like you and a million others. Do not waste your time on a heartbreak. Do not look for a future husband. It is too early for that. Spend time with your friends and the Lord. God will send the right one when you are ready.

Use Your Talents

     Mikayla, use those talents that God gave you. Focus!! Do not be distracted! Stick with music. Stick with that piano. Never give up! Do not be shy by singing so soft so no one will hear you at church. Use the gifts God gave you!!

Do Not Grow Up Too Quickly

     Live in the moment!! Do not wish your life away! You have been designing your future house on Pinterest and naming babies way before you turned twelve. STOP!! 😆 😬It is too early! Spend time with your siblings. Yes, they can be annoying but you are going to miss those days. I already miss them. Your sister will be an adult about to graduate college and your brother will be a foot taller than you. You will already be an aunt too as well. 
     I miss those days. Enjoy! When you start paying bills and working long hours just to pay for gas money and college, you are going to want to hold on to those times. Life is just a blink compared to eternity. Live, Mikayla. 

You Are Worth MORE

     You are not what those girls told you in your eighth-grade year. You are beautiful!! You may be awkward looking now, but later it will get better. Your acne will clear, you will have hair products to help your frizzy hair, and you will have the money to buy clothes more your style instead of hand-me-downs. No matter what you look like, you are worth more than you think. 
     God designed YOU in his IMAGE!! Admire yourself. The God of the universe created YOU. You are a daughter of the one TRUE king!! 

Live Life To The Fullest

     They told you on the bus you were a weirdo because you were always full of joy. You are not a weirdo!! Do not care too much about other people's opinions. Be happy!! They may be stone cold, but your joy can melt them. God gave you laughter, so laugh out loud girl!! 
     They made you insecure. You made yourself stay quiet and distant so they would not know the real you. Awaken the happiness wanting to explode out of you!! Enjoy life by living to the fullest!!

Take Pride In Your Appearance

     I get it, you were never the "girly" type. You wanted to climb trees and play football with the boys rather than staying inside and learning to housekeep. You refused dresses, curling irons, and makeup. I get you, but please take a little pride in your appearance. PLEASE wash your hair and brush it. Oily hair is not attractive. At least wear something cute every once in a while. When the ninth grade starts, you will understand. 

Walk Confidently

Keep it that head up girl!! You got this!! Walk confidently on the ground you walk on. Be a light to the world. Tell others of your savior!  Do not be ashamed. 

 "Being confident of this very thing, that he which hath begun a good work in you will perform until the day of Jesus Christ"

Phillipians 1:6

Have A Relationship With God

     When the Lord saved your soul, you were on a roll. You were so happy. You were on fire for the Lord. When that friend that you thought was your friend told you were not changed, you became discouraged. Do not be discouraged. Do not doubt your salvation. You are saved to the uttermost.
     Keep that joy in your heart. Continue to serve the Lord. Form a relationship with him. You will wish you did when you are my age. 

Don't Get Down With Negativity

      People are cruel, Mikayla. There will always be someone being negative everywhere you go. Just be a blessing. Love your enemies. If they hunger, feed them. If they thirst, give them a drink. If they strike you, turn the other cheek. Yes, it is hard. It is so hard for me to keep my temper sometimes. That is when you pray for longsuffering and meekness. If God can love everyone in this awful world, you can love them, too. 

Never Give Up On Education

      Never give up!! You are going to need all the skills you will learn. IT WILL MATTER!! Pay attention, study, do the worksheets your mother gave you. Trust me, it will be a LOT easier in the end.  Keep writing those novels no matter how much people think you are weird. Do what you love.

Be You

     Be you, Mikayla. God made you the way you are for a reason. You are created in his image. You are a daughter of the king. When you can not contain the joy inside you any longer, let it out. Let it show. Tell the world what Jesus has done for you. 


     It will all be fine, Mikayla. Do not worry. Keep trusting the Lord. Form a relationship with him. Just keep walking with him in his footsteps. You are in the greatest hands. 

Your Future Self,


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