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A Letter To Someone Who Taught Me So Much

To Someone Who Taught Me So Much,
      I do not know why but you have been on my heart for some time. I began reflecting back on the days we had together. I never realized how much you cared for me and taught me so much about life, love, education, character, and most importantly about God.

      Whenever I would give up, you encouraged me to succeed. Whenever I did not do my best, you knew and made me finish with my whole heart. You taught me to rejoice in the Lord all the days of my life. Every day was a blessing and gift from the Lord. You taught me Psalm 118:24, and my class recited it every day before school started along with a song. Whenever I hear that verse, I think of you.

     You encouraged me to love music and serve God in church. You encouraged me to keep playing the piano. You taught me how to read music and sing unto the Lord in worship service.

      You encouraged me to keep writing. I remember the first song I gave you and a book that I had written. You told me to use my talent for the Lord
       “Keep writing, Mikayla.” You told me.

     You made me want to be a teacher. I pray that when the day comes I will have a class of my own, I can be ever as good as you were. You were such a blessing more than you know.

       I can still remember clearly the last day I saw you. When you left us to pursue another call, it broke me. Somehow I knew inside it was my last time to ever see you. I came to you and you embraced me in a warm hug that you always did. I remember you telling me I was going to grow up one day. You told me to always seek the Lord in everything I do. Follow him and serve him. Pray hard and trust in God’s plan. Stay on the right path. You were so right.

       When I heard you were diagnosed with bone cancer, my heart broke into pieces. You were the most healthiest person on earth. I wanted to see you badly, but my parents never would allow it. When I heard you went on with the Lord, I knew the heavenly choir gained the best singer and piano player. Most importantly the kindest, godliest person I knew.

       I miss you oh, so much. It’s been almost 8 years. I still think of you when I hear a piano playing. I can not wait to see you on high. You planted a seed in us young people at church. Without you, we would never be the people we are today. You were such a blessing to us! One day we will see you again in paradise with the one who set us free. I am looking so forward to that day.💗

Your Sister in Christ,

Mrs. Beth King passed away almost eight years ago. She was my church's pastor's wife at church and also my second-grade teacher. Mrs. King was the best piano player I have ever seen and the best teacher. She will forever hold a place in my heart. 


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