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Blog Q&A

Hello, Beautiful People!

     So, about a week ago, I put on my Instagram story I was doing a blogger Q&A. I received sooooooo many questions than expected. In this post, I will be answering your lovely questions. : )

When Did I Start Blogging?
      I began having an interest in blogging three years ago. I had no idea anyone could blog, so I started my first blog on WordPress. However, I did not understand how to manage a blog. I had no advice whatsoever, and I had barely any advanced grammar classes. (You can see my journey as a writer in this post here.) I decided to move my writings to a free website called Wattpad. I published my very first devotional book that I updated just about every day. A year later, I decided to quit my book and start an Instagram blog. This summer I changed my Instagram blog to The Kayla Journal and then created this blog. 

What Are My Favorite Topics?
    I love to blog! I always blog my random ramblings that people actually enjoy for some reason!. XD My most favorite topics are the ones that God puts on my heart. One day I will either be in church, studying my bible, listening to music, or doing whatever when God puts a topic on my heart. Those are my absolute favorite. 

When Will I Buy My Own Domain?
     I have been a thing and praying about owning my own domain for a while. Right now, I do not think it is the right time. I believe it will all happen in God's perfect timing. Right now I am just learning about the whole blogging process. I am not ready to make it serious yet. Hopefully, Lord willing, I will buy a domain form Blue Host when college starts. WHO KNOWS? ; )

What Is My Favorite Post?
     My most favorite post I have written would have to be Facing Life's Giants (Click here to read.) The Lord put this post on my heart after studying 2 Samuel 17 one morning. It is such a powerful chapter that is one of my favorites. I had to teach Sunday school for the six and seven-year-olds, and this is what I taught on. If God can give David strength to slay Goliath, he can give us the strength to overcome our giant, the coronavirus.

Any Blogging Advice For A New Blogger?
     I would say, do what you love. Ignore what people think. If it is your passion and dream to write, then do it. Always pray before you blog as well. Be sure to seek God's guidance in everything you do. 

Do I Blog Everyday?
     No, I do no blog every day. I try often to take certain days off. Especially for school work. I used to blog at least two times a week last year because I did not have many classes. Most were online and I would finish early. During quarantine, I posted at least three times a week. Now, I am trying to catch up after taking a league of absence for almost three months. 

Will I Make My Blog My Job?
I was thinking about making my blog a job, but I do not think it is the time. I just started out, but maybe one day. : )

Do I Read Any Blogs?
     Yes! One of the blogs that I read and absolutely love is More Radiance. I found it on Pinterest, and I have been a subscriber ever since! I also read Aria Lissette, a Christian farm girl who loves photography and fashion. My last one is JustJedah. It is run by a woman I know from GSA. She is so talented and sweet. 

What Is My Most Successful Post?
     My most successful post is 10 Things I Have Been Doing During Quarantine. (Click here to read.) I decided to write this post when lockdown happened, and my blog blew up with new readers and subscribers. It was crazy! It was all God because I could not run this blog without him.

How Do You Attract Readers?
     I am guessing this is a question from a new blogger. What I do is advertise and make social media accounts. Social media is key. I used my personal Facebook and Instagram account to advertise, then made an account for my blog, @thekaylajournal, and then a Facebook Group. Also, definitely use Pinterest. Make attractive art for your blog and then pin the pins on Pinterest. I hope this helps. : )

What Is My Writing Style?
     I am a Christian living and lifestyle blogger. I share God's word applying it to a lifestyle built on Christ. My goal is to help others serve God, submit to his will, follow him love him, and build a relationship with him. 

What Grammer Classes Have I Taken?
     I have always taken advanced English classes due to my high scores on my state test and ACT. Last year I was able to take both English Composition I and II from a nearby college. I learned so many new materials, and I applied it by starting this blog. 

Will I Ever Collab?
      I have been asked to collab with other bloggers to help grow our tribs by selling their products or teaming up with them. Will I ever collab? Maybe one day. Right now it is just not God's timing. 

What Is My Biggest Struggle When Blogging?
      I feel like my biggest struggle is discouragement. When I do not receive the great amount of feedback or reads, I can be discouraged. I should not worry about the views because blogging is a passion not a job. 

Do I Have Any Regrets?
     Just beginning caring about too much what others think of me and my writing. I thought people will think I am a nerd because I loved to write. I learned to not care what people think of my blog and I. I wish I could have not cared so much earlier. I feel like I could have grown more if I had not have. 

Does Making Money Matter?
      No, I write because I love it. One day if I do start making money, I will count it as a blessing from God. However, I do not want to write and devote my time to money. I write because I love it, not because I need money. 

Will I Blog Full Time?
     Only if God wants me to.

How To Deal With Writer's Block?
     Just pray about it. Listen to music, spend time in God's word, and pray. God will lay what he wants you to write on your heart. If you are not a Christian, I will advise checking other blogs out for inspiration. It is good to see what others have done. Just do not copy word for word. 


      Well, yall. That is all the questions I have for today. Most questions aligned with the rest, so if your question was not in this post, please do not be offended. If you would like more questions answered, I will be happy yo answer on my Instagram page, @thekaylajournal. 
      Also, Ladies, if you would like to join my ladies uplifting Facebook group page, just request and I will add you. Thank yall so much for your love and support. I love y'all!

Your Sister In Christ,
Kayla R. <3


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