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How to Start a Prayer Journal

How It Started
I have always enjoyed journaling.  I remember receiving my very first journal.  I called it my secret diary, and no one was allowed to read it but me.  I received many throughout the years of my 
childhood, and I still have all of them.  One year, I decided to give up writing altogether.  That was the only year I did not write in a diary.  At the end of my eighth-grade year, I saw a movie called I Am Not Ashamed.  The movie moved me in so many ways and was so touching.  The main girl, Rachel Joy Scott, was a victim of the Columbine High school shooting in 1999.  After her death, her journals were published and inspired the movie production. 
     After I saw the movie, I began to journal again.  At first, it was a diary but later it became my prayer journal.  I had no idea a prayer journal was a thing until a year later.  I just began writing my prayers down, and it became my thing.  Prayer journals are so popular today in many walks
with God.  I had no idea they were popular until I met a Mennonite girl named Debbie in Branson, Missouri.  I have not met anyone like her, and she was such
a blessing to me.  

     We waited in line for a roller coaster and afterward, she told me of her prayer journal.  Debbie asked me if she could write my name in her journal to remember to pray for me.  Wow!  That felt so good to me.  I began to do the same.  I have mentioned many acquaintances in my journal after that.
How To Start 
1. Write an Intro

     On the first page of my journals, I write about what is going on during my life.  I write my age, grade, my goals, the way I want to grow spiritually, a verse that sums my life at the moment, and sometimes quotes.  It always helps me see how far I’ve grown at the end of my journal.

2. Draw Some Artwork

     I’m a terrible artist.  I can not draw work a lick, but I try.  I can be creative at some times,  but mostly while making a Pinterest board lol :)  I usually do journaling drawings in my bible to describe how I am feeling about a verse and to help me remember it.  For example, when Jesus says he is the true vine, I draw a vine with the verse along the side up the vine.  One of my favorite drawings that I attempted to draw a few years back then I started was a fish.  Inside the fish, I wrote good things that are holy and pure dealing with God.  Outside I mentioned evil, ungodly things.  It helped me remember how pure and holy God is and that I should remain in him and not of the world. (Romans 8:20)

3. Write A Prayer Column

     I have a very bad memory.  I often forget everything including my prayer request.  My pastor mentioned something during his sermon that truly inspired me in my prayer life.  He mentioned a prayer column that he keeps.  I had never heard of this until then.  I just wrote names down was all that I did.  For one side, write Request and the other side of the column write Answered.  Sometimes it will take a while for the other side to be updated, but God has a plan and he will never fail you.  It may be a different outcome, but he is still there and he cares so much!  We are to pray without ceasing every day.

4. Write What You Should Strive For

     Sometimes I get discouraged and down.  Somedays I have no energy to get by.  I forget my purpose.  The reason why I have this page is so I can look back.  I have goals that I want to accomplish.  I want to be a true woman of God like the Virtuous Woman Solomon wrote about in Proverbs 31.  I write scriptures that I should remember always.  Having my goals written down is a huge encouragement to me.  

5. Confessions
     Sometimes burdens can really weigh me down.  It is very hard to tell someone about them sometimes.  It says in 1 Peter 5:7, "Casting all your care upon him, for he careth for you"  It feels so good to tell God everything and all my trials.  He is always faithful and will always listen.  It is just so great to have a father who I can tell all of my burdens too.  He gives such marvelous peace!

6. Be Creative

     My last step is to be creative.  Do your own thing.  It is great to come up with something grand no one has ever done with your journaling life.  I always use pens and cute stickers, and it helps so much!


 Well, these are all my steps and tips for journaling.  I hope having a journal will be a great blessing to ya'll.


Kayla R. <3


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