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Why I Want To Be A Teacher

  One of the hardest decisions I have been having to make is what I am going to do for the rest of my life.  I must decide what senior college I will transfer to, what my major is, and where I will work.  Do I want a job to earn the most money, or get a job I love?  I have always had a passion for helping people.  I either wanted to be in the medical field, forensics, or education.
     As a child, I wanted to be a nurse, veterinarian, or doctor.  My mom always told me she could see me in the medical field.  My mom is a doctor of physical therapy, and I use to love going to work with her in the hospital.  Three years ago, I was planning to be a nurse practitioner.  I thought this would be so good for me.  I could wear cute scrubs, and help people.  
     All this changed when I decided I wanted to write.  I wanted to get a degree in English and teach creative writing in colleges and high schools.  I thought this job would be perfect for me.  I stuck to English for two years, but this year my ideas have been all over the place.  I was thinking about forensics because I love mysteries such as Aurora Teagarden, Garage Sale, Nancy Drew, and Bones.  I wanted to go to USM to get my degree just as my dad started out in.  
     I then started shifting my ideas when I started taking Anatomy & Physiology this year.  I loved learning about the human body and how it works.  I  had a really high grade in that class, and everyone complained about how hard it was.  I felt like the medical field was just for me.  I decided I wanted to be a pediatric nurse because of my love for babies and little kids.  I began to worry if this was the job for me, and I began praying.  I asked God to show me what I needed to do.  To give me peace.  
     God answered my prayer a few months ago in my Zoology class.  There were kids with mental disabilities and some that did not understand what we were learning in my Anatomy & Physiology class.  I began to tutor them and help them.  I loved helping and teaching.  I then had found my passion.  I wanted to be a teacher.  A teacher can do so much for his or her students.  
     I will always remember a quote a woman told me at my church.

 "I wanted to be a nurse, but I discovered a teacher is every job all rolled into one."

     I strongly agree with this quote, and I believe being a teacher is one of the most important jobs.  I can not decide if I want to teach secondary or elementary, but I know God will reveal it to me soon.  When I tell people what I am planning to do, it is not easy.  I just want to tell them what I want to do and not what God told me.  Many look at me differently when I tell them my plans.

"Why would you want a low paying job like that?"

"You want to go to school for the rest of your  life?"

"Good luck with those devils!"

     The fact is, I do not mind having a low paying job of $30,000 a year.  I would rather have a low paying job doing something I love and am passionate about rather having a high paying job doing something I hate and can not enjoy.  All I care about is making a difference in kid's lives.  Many kids these days do not have anyone to care for them outside school.  Their parents do not have time for them.  All I want to do is make them feel loved.  Most of them are never told "I love you" at home.  This really triggers me hard.
     I honestly can not wait for the day to teach and see what God has in store for me!  Who knows, I may end up in the medical filed or criminal justice someday, but I want to submit to the plans God has in store for me.  
     In Jeremiah 29:11 it says, For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, saith the LORD, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end.
I have no idea what God has in store, but I am going to trust him.  His ways are the best ways.

Kayla R<3


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