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When God Writes Your Lovestory

      Happy Valentine's Day guys!  I know I am late, but I have been so busy.  I finally finished  paper of 8 pages!  God is so good! Praise God! :D
     I felt lead to speak on the topic of true love.  I have no clue why.  In my young women's bible study, we have been talking about "the one".  We studied the book of Ruth for the start.  Their love story is so amazing, and you can just tell it was all God.  It is such a "goals" story to me.  
     We had an assignment to dig into God's word to study the topic of waiting for our future husband.  For Valentine's Day, we were given a quote to think about.  I'll share the quote I received below.

     Man, that just speaks the truth!  I just had to frame the quote in my room.  The verses I chose to go with the quote was Proverbs 3:5-6 saying, 

Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding.  In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.

     These verses have so much truth in it.  Of course, we all know it, but we need to take time to meditate and think about it.  Relating the verse to the quote made so much sense.  God has a special plan for all of us.  We are to submit to his will and not our own.  Sometimes we can be stubborn and impatient, and we want to do what we want to do.  We need to place our hearts in his hands and trust him because his way is the best way.  
     When I began thinking about the quote and the verses, I started to reflect back to my middle school experience.  When my school started seventh grade, two schools were combined.  Everyone was so excited to meet new people and be in relationships.  Some began to "date", and others remained single.  
      On Instagram, girls began to post things saying,  I want a boyfriend!  Things would be better if I had a boyfriend. Hit me up, I'm single
    Seeing these things broke my heart.  Girls. based their worth on relationships.  The girls began to chase the boys.  I am here to tell you, girls, never chase after a boy.  Lay your dating life in God's hand.  If a relationship is meant to be, God will lead you to the man of your dreams.  
     Thinking back to Ruth made me think about these things.  Boaz chased after Ruth.  Ruth never was planning to be in a relationship.  Boaz prayed to God for peace and began to pursue after Ruth.  (Ruth 2:5; 10-12)
     A few years ago at a music camp, one of our dorm moms made a statement that stuck with me.  Girls in our dorms were making a list of qualities of our future husbands. 
      The woman said, "We should stop making a quality list of our future husbands, and start making list for ourselves for him."
     Hearing her words clicked in us.  We had made so many qualities for our future husbands, that we were not thinking about what ours wanted.  I made a quality list and goals.  I needed to be patient, have a more pleasant spirit like Naomi, work on the qualities of the virtuous woman in proverbs 31, and get my relationship right with God.  I have so much to work on, but I know God will help me through all of this.
      If you're single this year, do not sweat it and dwell on being miserable as you see couples this Valentine's Day.  Just know God has a plan and submit to it.  God is preparing you as you make those qualities for yourself.  God has the biggest plan for your love life that is like no other. Just trust him :)

Kayla R. <3


  1. Kayla,
    This post is filled with truth and I am glad you are sharing your heart! I love your dorm mom's idea about making a list of qualities you need to work on personally to be a godly wife. I wish i had thought to do that! I am still learning how to be a proper wife and I am almost a year into marriage! It will be a learning experience for anyone, but the more you can prepare yourself to be a godly helpmeet the better. Keep on praying and keep a close walk with the Lord, He will show you what His desires are for you and your life!

    1. Thank you so much Mrs. Sarah! You're such a great encouragement. <3

  2. woww.. thankyou so much, Kayla. because your words can open my eyes about my relationship with boyfriend or with God.. i just want to tell you to always post the journal you made it for everyone :)


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