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10 Reasons Why You Should Start A Blog

     Lately, I have been asked for advice on starting a blog. However, I am not a professional yet. I have been passionate about blogging since I was fourteen, but I did not make it serious until now. In this post, I will be giving you ten reasons why you should start a blog. Next, I will be making a sequel about why you should not. I hope you enjoy! : )

1. If You Have A Passion To Write

     This reason is the key and is very, very important. If you do not like to write on a daily basis, blogging is not for you. All blogging is writing, writing, and more writing. If you absolutely do not enjoy writing, this will not make you happy. You must do what your passion is. 

2. If You Have Somewhat Taken Advanced Grammer Classes

     When I first started blogging, I had TERRIBLE grammar. When I read my old post, I cringe so hard. When I blogged for the first time, I had not taken any grammar classes since Elementary school. This is how bad my school system is. When I first started blogging, I was in ninth grade. 
     I was in advanced English, but we did barely anything with grammar. All we did since the seventh grade was read books and answer questions. Reading books with questions is not English. This is one of the reasons why I desire to be an English teacher one day. 
     This past year, I was taking English Composition II and II online from a nearby college. Taking these two courses really helped me improve in grammar. I had one on one lectures with my instructor along with being given many grammar pamphlets. Not only did I grow in my ability to write, I really improved my ACT scores. 

3. If You Have The Time

     Blogging is not very easy. It requires time and effort. If you are busy all the time during this season in your life, I would suggest you to wait until you have the time. Once you start a blog, it becomes a job. You are your own boss, and you depend on your customers to keep your business going. You have to keep your readers interested. If you do not constantly update, you will lose your readers' interest. It is really hard keeping a schedule to write. If you are not too careful, it can take up too much of your time. You must make a schedule for different times of the day to write with as many breaks as you can.

4. If You Are Alright With People Reading Your Writing

     People will read your blog. Someone in the world will find it. It does not matter if you never mention your blog or advertise. I did not think anyone would find my blog when I first started, but people did. There was not many readers until I advertised, but people did read my blog. I started out with about three views per post, but now I am almost to 1,000 readers. If you do not like people reading your writing, I highly suggest for you not to blog. If you are confident, go for it!

5. It Helps With Creativity

     Designing a blog is so much fun!! My most favorite part about making a blog is designing! I love changing the colors, fonts, and themes. My most favorite is designing my thumbnails for each post. Creating and designing a blog can be stressful getting started, but it does help with creativity. If you want to learn how to use technology better and design, this is the hobby for you!

6. If God Has Called You

"...beseech you that ye walk worthy of the vocation wherewith ye are called"
Ephesians 4:1

     This reason is the most important reason of all. I know, I should have put this first, but I did not. You should not have a blog unless you are called by God. If you have not been called, but want to, you must pray about it. We should not do things out of the will of the Father.
     If God has laid the burden on your heart to start a blog, then go for it! God gives us burdens to do his work for a reason. He is using us all in different ways. Let him use you!! If you are called, give him the full honor and glory. Use as much effort as you can. God has called you. 

 7. If You Are Not Writing for the Fleshly Desires

 "Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him."
1 John 2:15

     If you are writing for the world instead of God, you need to get it right with him. We are to examine our lives and hearts to make sure we are actually glorifying God, and doing the will of our Heavenly Father. Every Christain deals with worldly desires. I am not perfect. We all want to please the world, but we are not to be carnal. What is carnal? It is being very fleshly and being of the world rather being of God. We are not to love the world. We are to love God. We are to win others to the Lord, and not bring them into the fleshly desires of the world. 
     In Colossians 3:23-24, it says,

"And whatsoever ye do, do it heartily, as to the Lord, and not unto men;  Knowing that of the Lord ye shall receive the reward of the inheritance: for ye serve the Lord Christ"

     Everything we do, we are to give him full honor and glory. We are to serve him wholeheartedly and with the gifts, he has abundantly blessed us with. I pray we can all examine ourselves to make sure we are all doing the will of the Father and not the world's. 

8. If You Are Mature Enough

 "As ye have therefore received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk ye in him: Rooted and built up in him, and stablished in the faith, as ye have been taught, abounding therein with thanksgiving."
Colossians 2:6-7
     In order to start a blog, you will need to mature more. (I will explain a little deeper in my next post.) I will suggest waiting until you are junior or senior in high school. If you have one right now in middle school, that is okay. It is just my suggestion to wait until you have at least completed your advanced English Classes in high school. When I started in ninth grade, my writing was trash. I had not had a good mentor yet. I cringe when I read my old blog, and I wish I could have waited. If you think you are old enough and mature, go for it!
     More importantly, you need to be more mature in Christ. We are to grow in our relationship with him to get to know him more. How will you read others to Christ if you are spiritually immature? We are to be rooted and grounded in the faith. (Psalm 1)

9. It Is Fun

     I love to blog! It is so much fun! From writing about what you are passionate about, to making cute thumbnails, and designing your website. It is such a joy! I highly recommend a blog if you feel lead and are passionate about writing. 

10. You Touch Lives

     My most favorite thing about blogging is hearing feedback from viewers, and how it has touched their lives. Hearing about the lives we touch is our paycheck. Blogging is not for views or money. It is impacting the lives around you. It is so amazing how God works in your blog. I would not have any readers without him. I would be discouraged and quit. I am so thankful God has been with me during this new step. I am so thankful for him calling me to write publicly. 


     If you are interested in blogging, and God has burdened you, I strongly suggest you to start a blog. It is such a joy in my life. Without you guys, it would have never happened. I am so glad God burdened me to write for the public, and I pray he will use this blog to bring others to Christ. I love you guys so much, and I am praying for you where ever you are. 

Your Sister In Christ,
Kayla R. <3


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