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A Reflection Over The School Year

     Ever since I started high school, I was ready to be out. When I was in my Algebra class struggling to death, I thought to my self. Three more years. Just three more.
     I thought it would last a long time. No one told me that my junior year would only last a semester and a half. I felt robbed of my junior year. I was enjoying my last year before I graduate the next. Everyone told me my junior year would be the hardest year, and I will stress to death. I actually remember only stressing once. I blogged about it in January when I had to write a seven-page research paper.
     I took three college classes and two advanced classes. I had homework in every class, and I barely stressed. I managed to memorize all the bones of the body, the muscles, how a muscle contraction works, and the layers of skin in the body for Anatomy & Physiology not thinking I could ever do it. I kept a 98 that whole year and a 100 in the first nine weeks. Was it hard? Yes. Did my mom, a therapist with a doctorate degree have to help me? Yes. Did I put my trust in God believing he could give me the strength to memorize? ABSOLUTELY YES!!!
     I enjoyed my Zoology class. I had the absolute best teacher who reminds me of the virtuous woman in her actions. She was such a blessing. I was able to direct a frog, jellyfish, grasshopper, crawfish, and a yellow perch. This class was one of my favorites!
First time directing a frog.
I hope this isn't too graphic. XD

       I also started AP US History. I am such a history nerd! I was unaware of that part of me until I took this class. It was so much fun! We were an all-girl class so that made the class even more fun and interesting. Of course, I had to do our work. My teacher was such a hoot! We had tea parties, American Food parties for a girl from Sweden, and made Histoytines for Valentine's Day. I was so sad when our class was canceled. We had to stop at WWII. I took my exam last week, so I am completely done for the year.
A Valentine's Day project I made inspired
by Henry Clay, the Great Compromiser.

     This year, my band won our very first State Championship with our score in the 90s! Higher than the bigger and richer bands! We worked so hard!! I was so happy God gave us the strength to finish strong!! I also was able make my school's Wind Ensemble, an advanced orchestra. I was so happy and was ranked third out of twenty-five. Sadly, our competition was canceled due to the COVID 19 pandemic. 

Winning State Competition.

Being photogenic with my best friends.

My boyfriend coming to the competition.

First Concert with the Wind Ensemble!!
(Excuse the messy room that night!)

   Not going to lie.  My junior year was such a great year. It actually was my favorite so far. Everything was going so well. I was so upset that my junior year was only a semester and a half. I lost my Junior year, and I will never get it back. 
     Seniors had their last year. It was taken away from them. They will never experience highschool again. We all thought we were going home for spring break. We had no idea we would not return to finish out the school year. It was tough accepting that. 
     God knew this was coming. He knows what will happen in my senior year, too. He knows what I will major and go through in college. 
     Seniors everywhere, it was not the senior year you were looking forward to since seventh grade. It started great, but then it was taken from you. You feel robbed. You feel broken......but God has a plan. Do not let this coronavirus take all of your joy and happiness from your senior year. He is just shaping you into the person you shall become in the future. Keep seeking, and following his will for your life. I am praying for you guys. <3

Your Sister In Christ, 
Kayla R. 




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