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Personal Narrative for College

     Hey guys! I just finished up my very first college course in English Composition I and II. It was a challenge at times, but I was able to finish strong! Thank you for your prayers. Back in February, I wrote a post on my struggles with my eight-page paper. I finished well, but there was a few technical difficulties that sadly allowed me to lose points. I still passed thank the Lord!
     Last semester, my first assignment was a personal narrative. I love to write about anything, but writing about myself is a struggle to me. I was able to have a mentor to help me learn deeper in grammar. It was such a blessing. For the next few post, I will be sharing some essays because I felt it would be fun to share my college experience with you guys. I hope y'all enjoy!

ENG 1113
16 Aug. 2019
How Writing Became Part of my Life
When I was three years old, I was given a notebook with Disney princesses on the cover by a certain relative.   When I received the notebook, I had no idea how it would impact my life completely.   I did not know how to read or write, but I drew pictures with symbols for words.  I do not have one clue what the story said, but I did then.  Today I have written two novels and three works in progress.  Speaking gives me the opportunity to talk about what I am passionate about, reading impacted my life while writing made me who I am.      
I absolutely enjoy reading, and it is important to me.  Therefore, I love removing myself from reality just for a few moments to travel back in time or into the future.  Even though it is hard to believe, I used to not like to read.  I would rather write my own book than read someone else’s.  Two years ago, my mother gave me a book called The Chance by Karen Kingsbury.  The story is about two young friends who grew up together and had to be separated due to a tragedy.  One began to have a difficult life while the other had a very successful one.  Despite their circumstances, they began to be friends again after 11 years.  The story was very inspirational to me teaching me that despite differences, everyone can always come together in unity.            
I instantly fell in love with Christian fiction novels, and I prefer them over science fiction.  Now, my bookshelf is packed with contemporary and historical Christian novels.  As an effect, these novels gave me a bigger passion about my faith and my love for history.  I was in a dark place a few years back but reading these certain types of novels lifted my spirit.  I began to lay aside all of my supernatural and science fiction.  My new passion for Christian novels brought light into my life.      
 I have never been the person to speak in front of a group of people.  Being the center of attention has always made me feel self-conscious.   Last year, I had to get out of my box and try to do my best at public speaking.  When I was in seventh grade, I was forced by the school to take speech for a whole year.  However, I had to work my hardest.  I have never been the speaking type.  I finished the class with a high A and was relieved of my accomplishment.  Little did I know that I would have to take it again.  Tragically, my speech credit did not count for honors.  The good news was I had to take the class for one semester.        
Being in that class was very different than seventh grade.  There were many people whom I barely knew.  I began to have speaking anxiety.  I remember almost having an anxiety attack in one class due to speeches and stress in other classes.  I decided to ignore it and do the will of God by witnessing in my speeches.  I also was given the opportunity to show my passion for music by playing my guitar for everyone.  After the semester was over, I had no idea of what God had in store for me.  Unexpectedly, He began to burden my heart to speak publicly in different organizations.  I began to have anxiety kicking in because of my fear.  Speaking is one of many things of I am not talented with.   I began to pray night and day about the decision of me speaking.   Months later I finally decided to face my fear by signing up to speak at First Priority, a Christian hangout, during lunch.   I was so worried that week, and I could not concentrate on my schoolwork.  When it was my time to speak, I tried to forget about anxiety.   If I admit truthfully to myself, I enjoyed it.   Now I pray for another opportunity.   As a result, I was chosen to be on the Lead Team.       
When I was given the notebook, no one knew how much that would change my life.  Even though the notebook was of little worth, it did not mean it would be worthless.  The notebook gave me the ability to try my best to grow in knowledge.  When I was a three- year -old girl, I had no idea how that notebook would impact my life.  I used my imagination to write many novels.   In a conclusion, writing, reading, and trying my best to speak helped me to grow in my knowledge and my imagination.


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