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About Me

     Hello beautiful people! I'm so glad you stumbled upon my blog. I have always been a writer but decided to put my writings out for the public. However, I am very nervous, and this is my first post. I'd love you welcome to my new blog called The Kayla Journal.  
My name is Mikayla and I am a southern, country girl just trying to figure my life out. What I love most in my life is Jesus Christ, my Lord and Savior.
 What I plan on doing on this blog is sharing the word of God while trying to be a light and encourager. I will try my best to upload a new blog as much as I can Lord willing. I am so excited right now to share the word and dig deep into it with you guys!
     Another thing about me is I am a musician. I play the clarinet, guitar, ukulele, and piano while trying to learn the violin. I love the violin so much, but it is the hardest instrument I have ever played! I go to a music ministry school in the summer and it is the absolute best. If it is the Lord's will, I would love to teach there! I also love to sing praises unto the Lord. I sing alto in my church choir. 
      One nerdy thing about me is my love for reading. I love to read historical and contemporary Christian fiction. Sadly, I have not had any time to read this year due to my dual enrollment classes I take from a college nearby. I plan on majoring in Elementary Education and being certified to teach language arts, reading, and social studies.  I want to be a teacher because I love teaching kids new things and witnessing. 
     Well, this is about all the things I can think of that is interesting about me! I can't wait to see what God has in store for this blog, and I will be praying for each and every one of you guys! God bless!
Blog Instagram @thekaylajournal

Kayla <3


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