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Showing posts from September, 2020

New Blog

  Hey guys!!      So I have some good news!! A year I believed a dream of me owning my own blog would nevr come true. Well, my friends God is good. His timing is the best timing. A few months ago, the Lord blessed me with a job, and I was able purchase a two year contract with Blue Host!! I am so thankful to own my own blog!! God is sooooo good!! His way is the best way. I am so happy that he provided a way for me to make my dream come true.       Farewell Blogspot! It was nice to get to know you this past year. I am so thankful for the opportunity you gave me to be a part of your website. My new blog is .  I can no wait to continue this journey with you!! Thank you readers for all the support you have given me!!!! See you soon on! : D Your Sister I Christ,  Kayla R. <3

A Letter To A Blessing

Dear My Blessing,      I had no idea we would be where we are today the day you sat behind me in history class five years ago. You have always been such a blessing to me. We have gone through so many things together, but you have always been there before to build me up. Through fire, you stood by my side when no one else did. When others left, you stayed.      You always give me the best advice. When I made terrible decisions, you were honest with me. When I did not want to agree with you, you were right. When I believed you, you never said, "I told you so." You stood by me. You comforted me.      When I need help, you help me. When I succeed, you celebrate for me. When I am sad, you comfort me. When I ask you to pray for me, you do. I can not imagine what life would be like if you were never there. I know God put you in my life for a reason. It was not an accident when our teacher put you in the desk behind me in history. When you told me of your faith, I was over th

Our One Year Anniversary

 is a pretty big day! Yes, it is Labor Day, but it is also something else. Today is my boyfriend, Micah, and my One Year Anniversary!!! 😍  I am sooooooo excited! Time has passed so fast! I can not believe it is our one year. I can still remember our first date just like yesterday. We were just two shy teenagers going on our first date. I had never been on a date before and Micah had never been on a date with him driving and paying.      Keep note, this post is not about bragging. I am making this post just for fun.      A year ago, I was finally able to date, but I was not ready. I was finished with guys. I believed they were all the same. They were rude, arrogant, and just played girls' hearts. Last summer, my friends and I were experiencing the same problems. We decided we were done with dating. We just wanted to live single for Christ. We believed this was our purpose now. Our hearts were done being torn and broken.      After this pla

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