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New Blog


Hey guys!! 

    So I have some good news!! A year I believed a dream of me owning my own blog would nevr come true. Well, my friends God is good. His timing is the best timing. A few months ago, the Lord blessed me with a job, and I was able purchase a two year contract with Blue Host!! I am so thankful to own my own blog!! God is sooooo good!! His way is the best way. I am so happy that he provided a way for me to make my dream come true. 

     Farewell Blogspot! It was nice to get to know you this past year. I am so thankful for the opportunity you gave me to be a part of your website. My new blog is

I can no wait to continue this journey with you!! Thank you readers for all the support you have given me!!!! See you soon on! : D

Your Sister I Christ, 

Kayla R. <3


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