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Our One Year Anniversary

 is a pretty big day! Yes, it is Labor Day, but it is also something else. Today is my boyfriend, Micah, and my One Year Anniversary!!! 😍  I am sooooooo excited! Time has passed so fast! I can not believe it is our one year. I can still remember our first date just like yesterday. We were just two shy teenagers going on our first date. I had never been on a date before and Micah had never been on a date with him driving and paying.

     Keep note, this post is not about bragging. I am making this post just for fun.

     A year ago, I was finally able to date, but I was not ready. I was finished with guys. I believed they were all the same. They were rude, arrogant, and just played girls' hearts. Last summer, my friends and I were experiencing the same problems. We decided we were done with dating. We just wanted to live single for Christ. We believed this was our purpose now. Our hearts were done being torn and broken.

     After this plan, I went to a friend's revival in Alabama. Who I was not expecting to see there was Micah. I had not seen him in a long while. I used to have a big crush on him back in the day.

      My church was hosting a music school four years ago, and that was when I saw Micah for the first time on May 23, 2016. He sat on the pew next to me and my best friend but did not say a word to me. I really wanted to talk to him, but Micah and I were too scared and shy. I immediately became attracted to him. He was so mysterious to me and I thought he was very cute.🥰

     I tried to deny I was having a small crush, but when I heard him play the piano for the first time, he absolutely swept me off my feet. As y'all know me, I have a thing for Jesus-loving guys who are musicians. Well, that is who Micah is! ☺️

     There was one problem though. I was too young for Micah. I was barely thirteen, and he was fifteen. We were on different levels of maturity at the time. I had doubts that we would ever be together due to different situations we were both in during that time of our lives. 😔 I gave up. I decided if it was meant to be, God would bring us together.

     Well, my friends, I was wrong. Micah and I began talking after the night of the revival last year. We talked all day and almost all night and connected so well. However, I was not ready to be in a relationship. I told Micah, and he understood. We began to continue as friends.

     After I turned Micah down by putting him in the friend zone, I began to start crushing again. I was so scared, so I prayed. I asked God to direct me in what I needed to do with those feelings. A few weeks later, he answered my prayer with overwhelming peace I can never describe.

     Micah came to visit me at church for the first time in September when my cousin was going to preach his first sermon. We sat next to each other again as we did four years ago, but we actually talked. The connection we had was so crazy. I felt the same way I felt with my best friends. I was so comfortable. Micah asked me out that night, and I immediately said yes.

     My parent, however, was very worried about how he would interfere with my studies. They told me they would give me an answer at the end of the week. This was the longest week I had ever had! They ended up giving me an answer four days later saying could go as long if we were back before dark. I was so excited that I told Micah immediately.

     We went on our first date to the movies to see the live-action, The Lion King. It was so much fun! When we were together, we felt so comfortable and felt so much peace. We could tell each other anything and act ourselves. For supper, we ate at Ed's Burger Joint. We talked for a very long time as we sat on the balcony eating our food.

     We had so much in common from music, Jesus, salvation, mission trips, and enjoying the outdoors. I had prayed so long for God to bring a guy like him into my life. Three long years later, we were finally together.

     We have our ups when we see each other after a long week, and our downs when we have to say our goodbyes. I would not trade this year for anything! Micah is my best friend and I am proud to be his girlfriend!! I have learned so much about patience, love, and faith from the Lord this past year. I can not wait to see the plans he has in store for us!

     Happy anniversary, Sweet! I can not wait to send this post for you to read!! Today will be such a great day we will look back on and love. I can not wait to see you on this special day! I love you!❤️

Your Kayla <3


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