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A Letter To A Blessing

Dear My Blessing,

     I had no idea we would be where we are today the day you sat behind me in history class five years ago. You have always been such a blessing to me. We have gone through so many things together, but you have always been there before to build me up. Through fire, you stood by my side when no one else did. When others left, you stayed.
     You always give me the best advice. When I made terrible decisions, you were honest with me. When I did not want to agree with you, you were right. When I believed you, you never said, "I told you so." You stood by me. You comforted me.
     When I need help, you help me. When I succeed, you celebrate for me. When I am sad, you comfort me. When I ask you to pray for me, you do. I can not imagine what life would be like if you were never there. I know God put you in my life for a reason. It was not an accident when our teacher put you in the desk behind me in history. When you told me of your faith, I was over the moon. You do not know how much I needed a best friend of the same faith as me.
     I can not wait to see where life takes us. I am so thankful God brought you into my life. I love you so much best friend and I am eternally thankful for you. <3

Your Bestie And Sister In Christ,
Kayla <3

     Kaylea and I have been best friends since seventh grade. She was very shy and I was determined to become her friend because of her lovely and sweet attitude. I knew God had brought her into my life when she told me that she was a Christian and she went to a church in my association. She became a member of my church soon after. She has always been there for me and stood by my side through heartbreak and fire. I do not know what I would do without her. I am so thankful that God brought her into my life. I love you, Kaylea!!


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