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Showing posts from February, 2020

Why I Want To Be A Teacher

  One of the hardest decisions I have been having to make is what I am going to do for the rest of my life.  I must decide what senior college I will transfer to, what my major is, and where I will work.  Do I want a job to earn the most money, or get a job I love?  I have always had a passion for helping people.  I either wanted to be in the medical field, forensics, or education.      As a child, I wanted to be a nurse, veterinarian, or doctor.  My mom always told me she could see me in the medical field.  My mom is a doctor of physical therapy, and I use to love going to work with her in the hospital.  Three years ago, I was planning to be a nurse practitioner.  I thought this would be so good for me.  I could wear cute scrubs, and help people.        All this changed when I decided I wanted to write.  I wanted to get a degree in English and teach creative writing in colleges and high schools.  I thought this job would be perfect for me.  I stuck to English for two years, b

When God Writes Your Lovestory

           Happy Valentine's Day guys!  I know I am late, but I have been so busy.  I finally finished  paper of 8 pages!  God is so good! Praise God! :D      I felt lead to speak on the topic of true love.  I have no clue why.  In my young women's bible study, we have been talking about "the one".  We studied the book of Ruth for the start.  Their love story is so amazing, and you can just tell it was all God.  It is such a "goals" story to me.        We had an assignment to dig into God's word to study the topic of waiting for our future husband.  For Valentine's Day, we were given a quote to think about.  I'll share the quote I received below.      Man, that just speaks the truth!  I just had to frame the quote in my room.  The verses I chose to go with the quote was Proverbs 3:5-6 saying,  Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding.  In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct

How to Start a Prayer Journal

How It Started I have always enjoyed journaling.  I remember receiving my very first journal.  I called it my secret diary, and no one was allowed to read it but me.  I received many throughout the years of my  childhood, and I still have all of them.  One year, I decided to give up writing altogether.  That was the only year I did not write in a diary.  At the end of my eighth-grade year, I saw a movie called I Am Not Ashamed.   The movie moved me in so many ways and was so touching.  The main girl, Rachel Joy Scott, was a victim of the Columbine High school shooting in 1999.  After her death, her journals were published and inspired the movie production.       After I saw the movie, I began to journal again.  At first, it was a diary but later it became my prayer journal.  I had no idea a prayer journal was a thing until a year later.  I just began writing my prayers down, and it became my thing.  Prayer journals are so popular today in many walks with God.  I had no idea t

God Is In the Mist of Things

      I have excuses often on why I can not do certain things I know I should do.  For example, I have not been writing since November and I have not been studying my Bible and praying as I should.   I have taken three college classes online and I am just absolutely stressed.  Right now I have a seven-page research paper that is due Sunday and then in a few weeks.      I am just struggling.  Right now I am sitting in class just stressed out of my mind about to have a panic attack because I can not get passed the third page.  My brain is fried and I just can not write the way I used to last semester.  I love to write, but this stress is killing me.      I could write no problem last semester and enjoy it, but I can't.  I need prayers bad.  One thing I remember that during my darkest moments, God is in the midst of all things.  He is here with me now!  I am so thankful that I have a father looking down on me and watching me always.  He gives me strength and peace that I can

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