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Never Ashamed

     Do you ever worry what people think of you? When you learn about Jesus Christ, do you tell others? Do you hide your salvation? Are you ashamed of Jesus Christ? Most Christians hide their salvation and faith because of what the world thinks. Jesus Christ is just a speck of dust to the world. Many Christians believe no one will take them seriously because of their love and passion for Christ. They recognize the risk of losing their popularity, a person they're dating, their friends, and family.  
    I use to be this way after I accepted Jesus Christ as my personal savior. I use to hide my salvation and my faith. I was saved the summer before I started seventh grade.  I was so open about my faith and planned on sharing the gospel with the world. However, one of my friends did not like the way I was acting. I began to be a light to many people and some of my other friends, but it was not enough for another friend. I failed to be a witness to her by giving up. I was scared about what people actually would think of me. 
One of my friends was getting in the "in" crowd and I never felt more accepted and didn't want to mess it up. Eventually, God had gotten my attention. My friends and popularity was not worth giving up my faith. Now, I have people surrounding me who I never thought would be there that care for me like Jesus.
     In Romans 1:16 it says,
 For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth; to the Jew first, and also to the Greek.
     You should never be ashamed! Jesus gave his life for you! A weary old sinner who he could care less about. Why does he do that? BECAUSE HE LOVES YOU!!! And he couldn't love you less than what he loves you. His love is a boundless love. 
Jesus is our SAVIOR!!
He loves us when we don't love ourselves! He loves us when we do all the wrong in the world! You should never be worried what people think of you on Earth! Should care about what God thinks of you. Let them deal with the problem that they don't care about God. God will get to them. Our time on Earth is temporary, but our time in Heaven is eternal! Start telling the world about Jesus today! It's what we need! Try this.
     Today I am very open about my faith. It is very hard at school, but I know God is with me. Many people look down on me, but it is soooooo worth it. Being a warrior for Christ is worth everything to me in the whole world, and I will not give it up for ANYTHING!

Your Sister In Christ, 
Kayla R.<3
"For me to live is Christ and to die is gain."
Philippians 1:21


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