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The Power of Prayer

But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you

~Matthew 5:44~

Do you ever pray?  Do you ever get on your knees and beg for God's power?  Do you even know what prayer is?  According to Webster's Dictionary, the definition is a solemn request for help or expression of thanks addressed to God or an object of worship.
You may say, "What is the purpose of prayer?  Why do we waste our time praying to some God, we don't even see and we know there's no hope?"
    I used to ask that question a lot!  I would always pray when someone told me too. I took it as a chore that my parents told me to do every night before I go to bed.  I continued this routine until I was fourteen.  I accepted Jesus into my heart as my Lord and Savior when I was twelve.  I was so young that I did not realize I was supposed to grow in the Lord after I got saved.
   It all started having a relationship with him after he got my attention the summer before my freshman year of high school.  I'm very happy it happened because if it didn't, I would never be the Christian I am today.  The Christian who's living in love with Jesus.
   When we pray, we need to pray without ceasing. Pray about people you see are hurting.  Don't be afraid to pray in the cafeteria at school or in a restaurant.  I struggle with praying in public, but I have to remember it is God.  We are supposed to spend time with our father in heaven by communicating with him daily.  We need to be an influence on others, to share there is hope.
    Don't be mad at God if your prayer is never answered, but it will be answered.  It always is.  It may not be the way you want it to, but God has a plan.  God will supply all your needs.  What we need to learn to do is submit ourselves to his will.  I struggle with that personally.  I want everything to go my way.  I need to let that go and follow God's will and his path for me that he has set.
    Prayer is a powerful weapon and we need to use and spread to others.  Continue to pray for others and spread God's word. Even if they're your enemies. (Matthew 5:44)  We are to be a light!  An unhid city on a hill!  We are not to be ashamed of our faith.  We must make it known.

"Ye are the light of the world.  A city that is set on an hill cannot be hid." 
Matthew 5:14
Many people have chosen wishes over prayer.  It's totally different.  My Sunday school said the difference is that a wish has no hope and prayer does.  I'll have you all in my prayers and continue to pray for me.
 Your Sister In Christ, 
Kayla R. <3

"Pray without ceasing"

I Thessalonians 5:17


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