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Thanksgiving Blessings

"In everything give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you."
~I Thessalonians 5:18~

     Thanksgiving is a special holiday that we Americans celebrate on the last Thursday of November.  I absolutely love Thanksgiving!  I love fall and how the leaves are changing colors, and our harvest has been harvested.  I love spending time with my family gathered around a table eating the delicious food God has allowed us to prepare as a family.  
     Even though Thanksgiving is only once a year, it can be every day.  Thanksgiving is the day when we count our blessings and thank God for them.  This morning I woke up having this thought.  Every day is Thanksgiving because I have so much to be thankful for.  


     I am so thankful for my family and I have no idea what I would do if I did not have them.  They mean the world to me!  Lately, I have been getting very close to them.  My sister and I have been getting along better sharing our thoughts, ideas, and dreams.  We love to go out to eat and shop for sister time together.  I had never gotten along with her growing up.  I am so thankful for the lovely role model she has become and godly young woman.  I am proud to say she has become one of my best friends!  I am also thankful for my little brother.  He is annoying sometimes, but I love him all the same!  It was the absolute best when we would play games together growing up and exploring the woods around our house.  I am so proud of his accomplishments in school.  He has grown so much!
     I am so thankful for my parents.  Their love story is so inspiring!  Even though they are getting up in age, they never let it bother them.  They are still in love as they were when they first got married.  I am so thankful for them bringing me to church and reading the bible to me every night growing up.  I love them so much! 
     A few weeks ago, my sweet little nephew was born and I am so thankful for him!  When he was born, I could not help but thank God for him.  He is such a blessing!  I am so proud to be the aunt of this sweet little boy!  I pray every day for him and that he will grow in the Lord and accept him when God begins to move on his heart.  I am thankful for my sister's safe delivery.  She and her husband will be the best parents!  I am so thankful for them and how close we have become!


     Another thing I am so thankful for is my friends.  I have a few close friends thank are the absolute best!  They always have my back and are always there to comfort me.  I love I can tell them anything without the fear of being judged.  I love I can study God's amazing, powerful word with them and have conversations about our faith.  I am just so thankful for them!  My favorite moments is when we are in stressful situations.  I love it because we all stop what we are doing and just pray.  It is such a comfort to have friends who pray for you and share your faith.
     I am so thankful for my friends at school.  I sit by a girl in a band and she is just so sweet!  She encourages me and I can always talk to her about anything.  She encourages me every day before and after school.  I am so thankful for the friendship we have developed and so many others throughout the year.
     I am so thankful for the most amazing guy I have ever met.  We have known each other for years but did not start talking until the summer.  Today, I am so proud to call him my boyfriend!  He has been so sweet and amazing!  He has been a big encouragement to my walk with God and when I am stressed in school.  We share our struggles and prayer request and it is so encouraging when we pray together.  He makes me feel like the luckiest girl on the planet!  I thank God for him every day!


     I am just so thankful for my church!  I have been going there since birth and I am so glad God placed me there and allowed me to attend almost every service.  My church family means so much to me.  I have known them all my life, but we have gained others and I am just so thankful for them!  They have been so encouraged by praying for me and letting me know everything will be alright.  They are not anywhere near perfect, but I love them.  I can not wait for the day I get to spend eternity with them forever with Jesus.  I pray I never take them for granted.  They have no idea how much they mean to me.  I have not been very close to my friends there lately, but this week we had a sleepover.  It was such a blessing getting to know them more.  We have all changed, but it is a good change.  We stayed up very late and ended up having a Bible Study.  It was such a blessing to share our faith and pray together.  I pray we will become closer and I am so thankful for our sisterhood.


     The number one thing I am thankful for above everything else in this world is my salvation.  I am so thankful that God sent Jesus to earth to die in place for my sins.  I am thankful for Jesus and him not calling ten-thousand angels to free him from the cross he suffered and died on.  I am thankful God burdened my heart and kept on.  I am so thankful that on June 18, 2015, Jesus saved me and forgave my sins.  I am so thankful I am not the same person I was then and I will be in eternity with God and all my loved ones who have accepted Christ as well. I am so thankful I can not lose my salvation no matter what I do and how far I run. (John 10:28)

His Presence

     I am so thankful that God will never forsake me or leave me alone.  He is with me during my darkest hours and when I am overcome with amazing joy.  I am thankful he is my present help in trouble.  (Psalm 46)  I am thankful I can never bug him too much and he always listens to me and my problems.  "Though I walk the valley of the shadow and death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me..." (Psalm 23:4)  What a comfort that is!  we have a God that truly cares for us!  That is something to rejoice about and be thankful for!

     We do not have to have turkey, dressing, pecan pie, or cranberry sauce to have a Thanksgiving.  We can be thankful every day for the new day God has given. 

"This is the day which the Lord has made, we will rejoice and be glad in it." (Psalm 118:24)

Start thanking him today!

Love From Your Sister In Christ,
Kayla R. <3

"O give thanks unto the Lord; for he is good: for his mercy endureth for ever. O give thanks unto the God of gods: for his mercy endureth forever.  O give thanks to the Lord of lords: for his mercy endureth forever. To him who alone doeth great wonders: for his mercy endureth forever. To him, that by wisdom made the heavens: for his mercy endureth for ever. To him that stretched out the earth above the waters: for his mercy endureth forever."

Psalm 136:1-6


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