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Showing posts from August, 2020

A Letter To My Younger Self

Dear Little Me,      There are so many things that I wish I could go back in time to tell you. Sadly, that is impossible. Life is not like those SiFi movies you love. You can never go back in time to change things. The past will forever be the same past. What you can do is change the future.      Life is a beautiful thing. Everything God makes has a purpose and is beautiful. Life can also turn on you and be cruel and unfair. Do not be scared, little one. It will all go smoothly. Just keep seeking the Lord. He will be your guide and friend. He will always be there to guide you and tell you the truth. You just need to choose to listen. In this letter, I will be telling you a few things I wish you could know. Popularity Does Not Define You      You wish you could be her. You wish you were with them. You wish you could eat what they eat and wear what they wear. Little Mikayla, be who you are. Those girls will mean nothing to you in the end. It is okay to eat a peanut and butter

Blog Q&A

Hello, Beautiful People!      So, about a week ago, I put on my Instagram story I was doing a blogger Q&A. I received sooooooo many questions than expected. In this post, I will be answering your lovely questions. : ) When Did I Start Blogging?         I began having an interest in blogging three years ago. I had no idea anyone could blog, so I started my first blog on WordPress. However, I did not understand how to manage a blog. I had no advice whatsoever, and I had barely any advanced grammar classes. (You can see my journey as a writer in this post here .) I decided to move my writings to a free website called Wattpad. I published my very first devotional book that I updated just about every day. A  year later, I decided to quit my book and start an Instagram blog. This summer I changed my Instagram blog to The Kayla Journal and then created this blog.  What Are My Favorite Topics?     I love to blog! I always blog my random ramblings that people actually enjoy

A Letter to Someone Who Makes Me Laugh

To The Person Who Makes Me Laugh,      Five years ago when we met, I never thought we would be where we are today. I am so thankful for our friendship that has developed over the past year. Whenever I am having a bad day, all I have to do is call you and you immediately cheer me up.      I do not have one single bad memory of you. All I can think of is how positive you are. I can never forget our two-hour phone calls every day that we had after camp. Every month I looked forward to our Youth Meetings so I could see you.      You are such a true friend. I hope our friendship grows more and more over the years. You make me laugh. You make me smile. My favorite quality of you is how you are always seeking the Lord. It warms my heart when you tell me you are praying for me.      Always be your self. No matter what people say. Be yourself. Be that positive light you are. Be the person Jesus made you to be. The world needs people like you.      This quarantine has taken so much tim

New Series Coming Soon!!

Hello Beautiful People!      So lately, I had a few people on my heart and had a burden from God to write letters. Not just letters but public letters online. I do not have a clue why, but I am trusting in the Lord. Each week, I will be releasing a new letter. I am writing them all now so I can just publish instead of spending so much time on writing. I am so excited about this new series!! : D Sincerely, Kayla R. <3 A Collection of Letters Coming Soon!!!

A Letter To Someone Who Taught Me So Much

To Someone Who Taught Me So Much,       I do not know why but you have been on my heart for some time. I began reflecting back on the days we had together. I never realized how much you cared for me and taught me so much about life, love, education, character, and most importantly about God.       Whenever I would give up, you encouraged me to succeed. Whenever I did not do my best, you knew and made me finish with my whole heart. You taught me to rejoice in the Lord all the days of my life. Every day was a blessing and gift from the Lord. You taught me Psalm 118:24, and my class recited it every day before school started along with a song. Whenever I hear that verse, I think of you.      You encouraged me to love music and serve God in church. You encouraged me to keep playing the piano. You taught me how to read music and sing unto the Lord in worship service.       You encouraged me to keep writing. I remember the first song I gave you and a book that I had written. You t

The Secret Place

" He that dwelleth in the secret place of the most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty." Psalm 91:1       Over the summer I heard the most wonderful passage in the Bible! While I was at GSA, we learned a song called Secret Place based on Psalm 91. I have never heard this passage before. It is so uplifting and powerful.  He that dwelleth in the secret place of the most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty.   I will say of the  Lord , He is my refuge and my fortress: my God; in him will I trust.   Surely he shall deliver thee from the snare of the fowler, and from the noisome pestilence.   He shall cover thee with his feathers, and under his wings shalt thou trust: his truth shall be thy shield and buckler. Thou shalt not be afraid for the terror by night; nor for the arrow that flieth by day; Nor for the pestilence that walketh in darkness; nor for the destruction that wasteth at noonday.   A thousand shall fall at thy side

My Prayer For My Senior Year

Dear Heavenly Father,      It is finally the year, the year I have looked forward to for twelve years. God, I am nervous. I have no clue about the plans you have for my life. I am clueless. After this year, all I have is a road I must choose. I must choose what I major, where I go, what group I will join, what I should take, who I marry, how to raise my future children to glorify you.  God, I am scared. I am terrified of the life I am about to experience after this year. I want to hold onto these moments forever. I hate change. Why do we all have to change? Why can't things just stay as they are?      What I am so thankful for is I do not have to walk alone. You are always with me wherever I go. I pray I will seek you in this new life I will be entering. Let me walk the path you desire me to. Guide me oh Lord, show me the way.      This senior year is not the year I have been planning my whole childhood. Our classes are split. I never can see my friends. How can I experience

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