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Showing posts from March, 2020

10 Things I Have Been Doing During The Quarantine

     Hey guys! I absolutely hate being quarantined all day. I get bored so easily. Since I have been quarantined for almost three weeks, I have gotten soooooo many things done around the house, and I have been getting creative with crafts I have found on Pinterest. In this week's blog, I will be sharing what I have been doing during the quarantine. I hope this will be very helpful by giving you ideas of what you can do.  1. Bible Time      I have had so much time on my hands, so there are not any excuses for me not to spend time with God. I have been studying my Sunday school lesson, but due to the quarantine, we have not received the new one for this quarter at this moment. I decided to start studying Romans yesterday, and it has been a blast! There is so much truth in Romans. It is so hard not to highlight the whole book!  2. Cooking      I have not had much time to cook lately, but I have learned to enjoy it so much! My mom has allowed my sister and me to take tu

God's Got This

            So much has happened since the COVID 19 has had an outbreak in our nation. It has finally spread in our state rapidly. Now all I hear is Corona this and Corona that. It just makes me so sick. Everything is chaotic here. Toilet paper, soap, food, and hand sanitizer has been bought out. So far there is 300 cases here and one in my county. It is going so crazy.      What makes everything worse is churches are shutting down. I get the reason why because of safety, but it is just so sad. The church is what we need. We need to all come together as a nation and look to God. This Sunday was the first Sunday I have ever skipped church in the past two years. It breaks my heart. Thank God for the Livestream, but it was not the same. I wanted to be there so badly. We need God more than ever.      We as a whole have been so worried about this coronavirus, we forget who is in control. We are more concerned with buying up the stock rather than being concerned for eternity. If you

The Most Important Question

" For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life." John 3:16      Have you ever thought about what the most important question is? It wasn't until about a year ago I realized what it was. Last year, my pastor brought it to my attention in a sermon.   In the book of Acts, chapter 16 reveals the most important question to ask. We're all familiar with the Apostle Paul and Silas. The Apostle Paul used to be Saul of Tarsus who hated and persecuted  Christians. When he was on his way to Damascus, God blinded his by his light and began to speak to him. Paul accepted Christ right there and became one of the greatest missionaries.      On one of Paul and Silas's journies, they met a woman who possessed demons and could tell the future. Paul and Silas cast the demons out of her and she accepted Christ. However, bosses were furious she would not be working for them a

God's Plan For You

Do you believe God has a plan for you? You weren't an accident! The God of the UNIVERSE created  you  for a reason! He sent everyone one of us here for a reason. A mission. We were made to glorify him.      You may ask, "What is my mission?" Step 1: Ask him to be your savior and to forgive you for your old ways. A second chance! He will save you. He sent his only begotten son, Jesus to die on a cross for us! Weary cruel sinners! He's coming back any time soon to bring us home. Be ready. "For the Son of man is come to seek and to save that which was lost." Luke 19:10 Step 2:  Spend time with him. Tell others about Jesus. Spread the word! If you found the cure for cancer you wouldn't keep it to yourself would you? You wouldn't! This is just like that, but way better. Pray for others and your plans that God would lead you in the way he wants you. Pray that you will be a blessing to others.    " And the servant of the Lord mus

Serving the Lord Despite the Circumstances

      I have been having this thought on my heart lately.  Yesterday, my church threw a birthday party for an elderly couple at my church.  The lady turned ninety years old, and had never had a birthday party!  It was such a shocker!  Seeing her face just warmed my heart.  I could not imagine how much it meant to her.  It was such a blessing!      I miss them so much.  They are not able to attend church anymore because of their health.  It was very hard for them to get around.  It broke my heart seeing the lady cry because she was unable to go to church.  We hugged her and told her how much we loved her, and were praying for her.      The man could barely move around, but he played the piano beautifully.  I will admit I did cry a bit.  These people are such an inspiration to me.  Despite their feeble condition, they still choose to serve the Lord.  I want to be that way.  I had a thought after that.  If I am so young and healthy and I choose not to study my bible and worship th

Who Is Your Authority?

Ye call me Master and Lord: and ye say well; for so I am. John 13:13      Is Christ truly your Lord?  In the dictionary, the definition of Lord is,  someone or something having power, authority, or influence; a master or ruler.       Is God is our master, he has complete authority over us.  That means we have to do what he says.  If your boss tells you to do something, what do you do? You do it .  He is your master in that situation. Your authority. You do what he says.  It is the same way with God.  He is our eternal master.  We are servants of Christ.        Parents have full authority over us as children. We belong to them.  That is why we are to obey them even though it can be hard at times. Know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you, which ye have of God, and ye are not your own? 1 Corinthians 6:19 We are God's.  We need to glorify God in our bodies.  Our body is the temple of the Lord. This body is not ours. We pa

God Shows Us Undeserving Grace

     I often feel discouraged and worried about what’s going on in the word.  Sometimes I feel so alone in this world because of my faith and what others think of me.  The world is messed up.  Our generation takes God out of everything. Even at school!  All over the country religion is being banned in public places.  Where is our freedom of speech and press of the First Amendment?        Why?  Doesn’t it say in the Declaration of Independence that we’re free to worship as we please?  Do we not say in the pledge "One nation under God"?  Doesn't our coins say, “In God we trust”?  I seriously do not get it!  Everyone is offended if we say one thing about God.  How?  The truth offends people?  That’s horrible!       They make fun of the name Jesus everywhere we go.  I had a speech class last year and that was all they did after  I told everyone about my Christian faith.  Awful! I get so discouraged.   A year ago, I began reading the Bible from Genesis.  I stumbled up

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