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The Most Important Question

"For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life."
John 3:16

     Have you ever thought about what the most important question is? It wasn't until about a year ago I realized what it was. Last year, my pastor brought it to my attention in a sermon.  In the book of Acts, chapter 16 reveals the most important question to ask. We're all familiar with the Apostle Paul and Silas. The Apostle Paul used to be Saul of Tarsus who hated and persecuted  Christians. When he was on his way to Damascus, God blinded his by his light and began to speak to him. Paul accepted Christ right there and became one of the greatest missionaries.
     On one of Paul and Silas's journies, they met a woman who possessed demons and could tell the future. Paul and Silas cast the demons out of her and she accepted Christ. However, bosses were furious she would not be working for them anymore. They told the soldiers they were Jew that came to trouble the city. The soldiers took Paul and Silas and beat them to the pulp and put them in a dungeon. In the dungeon, they were chained but began singing songs of Christ.
     Isn't this just amazing!? Imagine how much pain they were in! Even though they were hurt and their journey did not go as planned, they still managed to praise God. This was such a blessing to me! Paul and Silas were still being a witness to the criminals by praising God.
     Unexpectedly, an earthquake shook the jail and their chains were broken along with the jail door. A soldier that beat them previously saw that all the doors were open and was frightened of what will happen to him. The only option he thought he had was to kill himself. As he pulled out his sword, Paul and Silas stopped the frightened soldier. The soldier fell to his knees and asked the most important question. 
"What must I do to be saved." (Acts 16:30)
What amazed me was that Paul and Silas answered in unison 

“Believe on the Lord, Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved, in thy house." (Acts 16:31)
This tells us this wasn't the first time someone asked how to be saved. The question the soldier asked is important because it's an eternal question. The question holds the answer to your eternity. We either need to accept him or reject him. Soon 2019 will be over.  If you are lost, I beg of you don't enter 2020 not accepting Christ as your personal Lord and savior. If God has revealed to you you're lost. Don't put it off. Do it now.
     The soldier knew he was lost. He knew it because God had revealed it to him. He had a realization in his heart that he was headed to hell and he could not save himself. God has created a heart that can be only filled by him in every person. We know when we are missing something important. What that is is Jesus Christ! He is the answer! We all need him more than anything.
     Has God revealed that to you? The soldier knew wasn't ready to die. He needed to be saved It takes repentance and faith to be saved. Not of our own acts. All you have to do is believe and trust.

"For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God"
Ephesians 2:8
     All you have to do is believe what Christ has done for you (John 3:16). His method will never change. Never has and never will. When the soldier brought Paul and Silas to his house, his whole family was saved. They had a feast and rejoiced together and I believe they are all doing it today in Heaven. 
Salvation is not of works and you can not lose it. It's a free gift of God! All you have to do is trust, repent, and believe. Nothing can take your salvation away! You'll forever be a child of God! Child of the one TRUE king!
In Romans 10, it says "That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness, and with the mouth is made confession unto salvation."

Verse 13 says "For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved."

     Whosoever means all. That is every one of us. No matter what we have done or who our family is, anyone can be saved. Jesus loves you more than anything that he suffered and died on a cross for you. He died in the place of your sins that you could have free salvation. Accept him today! He is waiting with open arms!

Daily Readings
• 1 John 5:1
•Ephesians 2
• Acts 4
• Romans 10


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