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Showing posts from May, 2020

10 Reasons Why You Should Start A Blog

      Lately, I have been asked for advice on starting a blog. However, I am not a professional yet. I have been passionate about blogging since I was fourteen, but I did not make it serious until now. In this post, I will be giving you ten reasons why you should start a blog. Next, I will be making a sequel about why you should not. I hope you enjoy! : ) 1. If You Have A Passion To Write       This  reason is the key and is very, very important. If you do not like to write on a daily basis, blogging is not for you. All blogging is writing, writing, and more writing. If you absolutely do not enjoy writing, this will not make you happy. You must do what your passion is.  2. If You Have Somewhat Taken Advanced   Grammer Classes      When I first started blogging, I had TERRIBLE grammar. When I read my old post, I cringe so hard. When I blogged for the first time, I had not taken any grammar classes since Elementary school. This is how bad my school system is. When I first

A Reflection Over The School Year

     Ever since I started high school, I was ready to be out. When I was in my Algebra class struggling to death, I thought to my self. Three more years. Just three more.       I thought it would last a long time. No one told me that my junior year would only last a semester and a half. I felt robbed of my junior year. I was enjoying my last year before I graduate the next. Everyone told me my junior year would be the hardest year, and I will stress to death. I actually remember only stressing once. I blogged about it in January when I had to write a seven-page research paper.      I took three college classes and two advanced classes. I had homework in every class, and I barely stressed. I managed to memorize all the bones of the body, the muscles, how a muscle contraction works, and the layers of skin in the body for Anatomy & Physiology not thinking I could ever do it. I kept a 98 that whole year and a 100 in the first nine weeks. Was it hard? Yes. Did my mom, a therapist

Peace Like A River

     Two days ago, my family and I went kayaking down a river near our home. I love to kayak! It is one of my most favorite hobbies. I love going on new adventures. My whole life I have loved the outdoors. What I adored was staying outside, exploring our deep woods, and climbing trees.      When I began to paddle down the river, I realized just how peaceful it was. The river was flowing smoothly, and there was so much peace. I remembered a very that went along with the song, "Peace Like A River". "For thus saith the  Lord , Behold, I will extend peace to her like a river, and the glory of the Gentiles like a flowing stream" Isaiah 66:12       The peace reminded me of the night Jesus saved my soul. I was so scared. I was lost, and I was separated from God. The worst feeling in the world is to be separated by God. I never want to feel that again.       That night, I realized I was in need of a savior. I told God I was so sorry for my sins. I wanted to

My Writing Journey

           Hello beautiful people! So, lately, I have been asked questions from readers on what made me start my blog. I have been thinking about the topic, as well. In this post, I will be telling the story of my writing journey.      I have always loved to write ever since I can remember. I wrote when I did not even know how to read at the age of three. I drew pictures in a Disney Princess notebook I was given, and I used them to tell my stories. I was always known as the storyteller throughout my elementary years. My teachers would always tell my parents I had too many stories to tell the class.       In fourth grade, my friends and I started a story group. We would each write a story to see who wrote the best. The first book I ever wrote was almost twenty-five pages and was called The Sound of Magic Music.   It was about two friends who had magical powers when they sang. (Corny right?) My friend illustrated for every book I wrote that year. I eventually made it into a serie

Recommend A Topic

   Hey guys! If you follow me on Instagram, @thekaylajournal , you may have seen I said sometimes I have no idea what to write sometimes. Since you guys are so amazing giving me so much support and allowing my dream to come true, I am allowing you to recommend any topic you would like for me to write about sometime. It would mean so much to me. : ) Comment Topics Below 

The Lord is Our Shepherd

“And I’m the one  the shepherd left the fold for.  I was out in the cold,  and all alone.  But indeed the Savior found me,  and put his arms around me,  and I’ll never be the same  anymore.”      I have no idea why, but this short song has been on my heart since I woke up this morning. I can’t stop singing and humming it. This song is basically one of the “theme songs” of a music school I go to every summer.      I learned it in 2018, and it never gets old! It’s such a beautiful song with so much meaning. I began to think back to the day Jesus saved my soul. I was the sheep who was out in the cold alone. I was hopeless and in despair.      But Jesus left the fold for me. He put his loving arms around me. I’ll never forget that day! I’ll never be the same anymore! Do you remember the day the Lord saved your soul?       If not, do you believe Jesus suffered and died for you? Well, he did! He died for a crummy, dirty sinner like you and me. Oh, how he

Personal Narrative for College

     Hey guys! I just finished up my very first college course in English Composition I and II. It was a challenge at times, but I was able to finish strong! Thank you for your prayers. Back in February, I wrote a post on my struggles with my eight-page paper. I finished well, but there was a few technical difficulties that sadly allowed me to lose points. I still passed thank the Lord!      Last semester, my first assignment was a personal narrative. I love to write about anything, but writing about myself is a struggle to me. I was able to have a mentor to help me learn deeper in grammar. It was such a blessing. For the next few post, I will be sharing some essays because I felt it would be fun to share my college experience with you guys. I hope y'all enjoy! ENG 1113 Miller 16 Aug. 2019 How Writing Became Part of my Life When I was three years old, I was given a notebook with Disney princesses on the cover by a certain relative.    When I received the notebook, I ha

6 Lessons I've Learned During the COVID19 Pandemic

   I know you are getting very tired of posting about COVID 19. It is everything we talk about now. I hope this will be my last post on this subject. I have felt lead to share all the things I have learned during this pandemic. I hope y'all enjoy it! : ) 1.) We Are To Walk By Faith      In 2 Corinthians 5:7, it says, "Walk by faith, and not by sight."       This is very true indeed. We are not to worry because God is at hand. We are to put our complete faith and trust in him completely. We have no clue what will happen in the next few months, but God does. He has known all about this since the beginning of time. He knew our faith would be tested.      We are to put our complete trust in our God who knows the stars and us by name. He is here with us always! We have nothing to fear.  "Fear thou not; for I am with thee: be not dismayed; for I am thy God: I will strengthen thee; yea, I will help thee; yea, I will uphold thee with the right hand of my r

My Book List

     Hey guys! For this post, I am going to be writing a list of my favorite books. Since we are under quarantine for God knows how long, I decided this could be helpful to the ones who are looking for clean, Christian books to read. So here we go! Anne of Green Gables      One of my most favorite series, since I was a child, is the Anne of Green Gables series. I was raised on watching these movies all the time on VHS. However, after I read the books I realized they are way better.       I read the books when I was 12, and ordered all the movies (1980s version) on DVD. I started a marathon last week because I enjoy Anne soooo much! You may know Anne through the Netflix show, Anne With An E, which is a disgrace to all the Anne of Green Gables fans. Nothing can beat the books or the 1980s version. Just saying. : )      The book series goes to when Anne has grandchildren. The movies stop when she adopts a baby (Which never happens in the book, nor Gilbert fighting in WWI)

My God is Real

     When I look around at God’s beautiful creation, I see God.  When I am given another day, I see God.  When I am singing praises to him at church, I can feel God.  When I hear scriptures, he moves my heart.       When I was lost and knew I needed to be saved, I felt him burden my heart. After I let Jesus into my heart, I had an overwhelming peace I never felt before. Where did that race come from? With all confidence, I can say it came from God. There is no doubt in my mind.       How do I know God is real? He is real in my soul. He has washed and made me whole. He loves me like pure gold! There is so much evidence of his existence.       This morning I was studying Psalms 14. In verse 1, it says,  “The fool said in his heart, There is no God...” A fool says there is no God. How can there not be? It is pure ignorance to say there is not a God. There is too much evidence! All things lead to creation that was made my God. God is real, and I can feel him in my sou

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