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Showing posts from April, 2020

"Can You Hear Me?"

           Lately, I have been feeling discouraged. Last week I struggled with my faith more than ever. I had asked God many times last week, "Can you hear me?"      I felt as if I was being ignored. I could not feel the peace I normally feel by God. I struggled with many sleepless nights and tears. I prayed for a long time asking God where he was. Why was he ignoring me?      I talked to friends about this, and they did not know what to say. They told me I needed to pray, and that God was not forsaking me. After this, I began to pray more. I went for a long walk in a park with a lake and just talked with God nonstop. I prayed about everything. I prayed for my future, the epidemic, people in need. Most of all I prayed for our country and churches.      What we need is to all come together in faith. I prayed all week for this to happen. This week God answered my prayers. My church was able to have actual services rather than radio and live stream. We were able to

How Rachel's Story Changed My Life

         This morning I woke up remembering that yesterday was the 21st anniversary of the Columbine Massacre of 1999. I remember when I first heard this story. It broke me so much, and it also changed my life. When I found the movie, someone told me with was bad. I began to believe them. I thought it was a movie making fun of Christianity. I was wrong, and so was that person.     When I watched the trailer, and I discovered what it was truly about. It was about a young girl around my age who was persecuted for being a Christian and ended up being the first victim of the school shooting.       Rachel Joy Scott was very bold in her faith later on. She was kinda like me in a way in the past. She hid her salvation because she was embarrassed because of her friends, but did not come out publicly until God had gotten her attention. I was that girl two years ago. I hid my faith because some of my friends at that time wanted me to. They were embarrassed by me. I was Rachel.      I belie

Introducing Kayla's Kitchen!!

     Hey guys! So lately, I have been asked to share the food I have been making, and my recipes. Yesterday, I released my Navajo Taco recipe step by step. I decided to make a new blog for just food since I use this blog for my devotions and stuff.      My new blog is Kayla's Kitchen . I am so excited to share what I have been making with you guys! Note, I do not know how often I will post. After the quarantine is over, I will be getting busy again. I will be posting more on this blog because it is my main one. I can not wait for this new chapter! Love y'all!!!  Sincerely, Kayla R. <3 Follow For Updates Instagram: @thekaylajournal Pinterest: @thekaylajournal 

Navajo Tacos

     Hey guys! Lately, people have been asking me to post my recipes online since I have been posting what I have been cooking on my social medias. Since we have been quarantines for 3 weeks, and are now on lockdown, I have been cooking more than usual. For this week's post, I will be sharing one of my favorite southwestern foods. Keep note, this recipe is only six servings. So, what is a Navajo Taco?      Navajo Tacos is a southwestern dish. I found the recipe in a book my family bought when we traveled out west a few years ago. To me, the Navajo Taco is basically a taco salad on fried bread.  What is Fry Bread? Fry Bread is an Indian bread that is flat. The bread is fried in olive or vegetable oil. When I first tasted it, it tasted like a funnel cake minus all the powdered sugar on top. My mom said was basically a fried biscuit. Honestly, I could just eat the bread! Well, let's get started! Step 1: Beef      The first step is the beef to be browned for

Be The Light

     The world is a dark place. Families are breaking, and people are hurting. It seems as if there is not any hope for this world. Darkness has consumed everything we love and cherish. But there's hope! That hope is Jesus Christ, our savior! He's the light, our savior, friend, MESSIAH! He gave his life for us! He is what the world needs! If you have accepted Jesus as your savior, it is up to us to tell the world about Jesus.  We need to be the light. Stick out of the darkness! Once you accept Jesus as your savior it is your job to study his word, get closer to him, and tell the world about him.       In Matthew 5:14-16 it says   "Ye are the light of the world. A city that is set on an hill cannot be hid.  Neither do men light a candle, and put it under a bushel, but on a candlestick; and it giveth light unto all that are in the house.  Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven."

Happy Easter!

     Happy Easter guys! I love this holiday so much. Not because it is in the spring, and I get a new Easter Dress. I love it because my savior died for me . He suffered on a cross he could have left if he wanted to. He could have stayed in the grave, but he rose from the dead for me . What an amazing Savior we have! Oh, how he loves us!      I am so happy he suffered and bled for me even though I do not deserve any bit of it. I am a dirty, rotten sinner. My sins are as filthy rags. (Isaiah 64:6) Because of him, we have salvation if we just believe, repent, and trust in him. (Romans 10) I am so thankful he saved me on June 18,2015. Without him, I would be lost and doomed. Because of him, I have eternity to look forward to.      This Easter is not what we planned. I did not expect to spend Easter this year in my car, listening to my pastor on the radio.      I did not expect for our nation to go into lockdown rather than going to God's house to hear about salvation. Easter is t

God is Bigger than the Giants You Face

     We all have giants in our life that we are facing. Right now our country is facing the Corona Virus. It almost seems hopeless. Every day I hear of new cases and deaths. This morning, during my time with God, I started studying 1 Samuel 17. 1 Samuel 17 is the story of David and Goliath. As I began to read, I realized we are facing the same thing the Israelites faced.      The Israelites were scared, hopeless, and were in despair. Just as we are. There was no way they could beat a ten-foot giant. They had little faith. They were to be the Philistines' servants. "When Saul and all Israel heard those words of the Philistine, they were dismayed, and greatly afraid" 1 Samuel 17:11      The only person who had any faith was David, and he was only a youth. My estimations of only 13-16 years old. David was the keeper of the sheep since he was the youngest. David felt lead to be the one to battle Goliath. Everyone was shocked and did not believe he could slay the

10 Tips To Have a Better Bible Study

     One thing that will help a born-again Christian grow spiritually is daily walking and spending time with the Lord.   How we can do this is daily reading and studying scripture in the Bible.  Sometimes I am in the word studying and praying daily, but I fail.  I fail all the time. What I need to do is stop being lazy and study God's word more.  In this blog post, I will be discussing my 10 steps for a better Bible Study. 1. Always Begin With Prayer      We always need to communicate with our father.  What he wants is a relationship with us.  Before we get into his word, we must speak to him and tell him of our troubles.  He is always there to listen.  In Philippians 4:6 it says,   "Be careful for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God ."      What this verse means is praying for our request.  We must make our prayer request known to God.  The power of prayer is so powerful bec

The Top 5 Struggles of a Blogger

     Today, I wanted to do a post that is very different. Last night, I was so stressed out about my blog that I could not sleep. I realized blogging is not that easy. Nothing is very easy. Blogging seemed easy to me because I have always loved to write. Writing can be very stressful though. This week's post I will be talking about the top five struggles a blogger has. Especially me. : ) 1. Writer's Block       Writer's block to me is the absolute worst! I hate it soooo much! I hate when I can not think of what to write. It stresses me out so much. I brainstorm so much that I can not even concentrate. I have a notebook that I put all my ideas in that is full. I constantly have to remind myself to keep praying. God will put the topic on my heart soon. I just have to keep trusting in him no matter what. He is the one who gave me the gift for writing, so I must look to him always. 2. Getting Started       Whenever I have something to write about either a blog, a short st

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