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10 Tips To Have a Better Bible Study

     One thing that will help a born-again Christian grow spiritually is daily walking and spending time with the Lord.  How we can do this is daily reading and studying scripture in the Bible.  Sometimes I am in the word studying and praying daily, but I fail.  I fail all the time. What I need to do is stop being lazy and study God's word more.  In this blog post, I will be discussing my 10 steps for a better Bible Study.

1. Always Begin With Prayer
     We always need to communicate with our father.  What he wants is a relationship with us.  Before we get into his word, we must speak to him and tell him of our troubles.  He is always there to listen.  In Philippians 4:6 it says, 

"Be careful for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God."

     What this verse means is praying for our request.  We must make our prayer request known to God.  The power of prayer is so powerful because it goes to our king.  That king is above all.  God is at hand!  How amazing that we have a God that cares so much for us!

2. Use a Journal/Notebook 
     When I am doing my bible study, I always have a notebook handy for notes. I can not function without taking notes. I always take notes during school lectures, and during sermons. I love them because I can document to see my spiritual growth. 

3. Find A Topic
      One of the most hardest things about studying the Bible is finding a book in the bible or topic to study. What I usually do is find a random chapter to study in the bible. I chose The Book of Malachi a few months ago, and I learned so much. Malachi is a book in the Bible we can always overlook. I love to study chapters that no one really studies. It was such a blessing to study the book.

4. Study a Character
     I love studying the characters of the Bible! It is amazing how much you can learn. For Valentine's Day, I studied Ruth. (You can see my results in my Valentine's Day post here.) I learned so much about her and her character. Also, Joseph is a good character to study as well.

5. Have a Good Mindset
     What I always need that helps me the best is a good location for a good mindset. I can never study and concentrate in a noisy environment. I either go outside or study in my room. ALWAYS make sure you are comfortable during your quiet time with God. I always have a cute scented candle lit and my radio playing either instrumental hymns, K-Love, or Alive FM. This gets me in a better and more comfortable mood for my time with God. Remember Jesus even had quiet time with God in the garden of Gethsemane.

     I do not mean never to buy a devotional. Do not get me wrong. Devotionals are great. I do not know what I would do without them! What I am meaning is using them for a Bible Study rather than your own bible. I never realized this until a few months back when my pastor brought it up in a sermon. Devotions are good for a thought and helper, but remember to open your bible. It is the word we need to truly study and read.

7. Have a Routine
     I am not very good with routines. I am a last-minute girl. I usually study in the morning, but I do not have a routine. I am still working on it. A routine I am attempting  to try is 
Wake Up > Make Bed > Make Breakfast > Bible Study/Prayer Time > Get Ready.

8. Write in Bible
     I know this can be kind of crazy to some people, and I understand. Writing on the word of God can be outrageous. I used to think these ways, but it helps. I like to read a passage that I have written notes in. It helps me understand better. If there is a word I do not know or a verse I do not understand, I like to have a note explaining. 

9. Meditate
"Thy word I have hidden in my heart, that I might not sin against thee"
Psalm 119:11

     It is good to meditate. This is why I read my bible in the morning. It is good to start the day with a good verse. Meditation keeps my mind on the verses and thoughts during the day. It keeps me focused and close with the Lord.

10. Write About What You Learned
     It is always smart to keep a prayer journal handy. (Click here see how to make one) Sometimes I can forget what I learned. I have a TERRIBLE memory. It is good to reflect on what you have learned. I always write down a summary in my prayer journal or study journal. This really helps a whole lot. : )


 Well,  this is what was on my heart to share with you guys. Remember to obey God's word by applying it to your life. Memorize as much scripture as you can. I love you guys, and I hope your day is fueled with much happiness! I love y'all! <3

Your Sister In Christ,
Kayla R. <3

     Also, I made an Instagram for my blog last week. I will be posting updates and encouragement. It would mean so much to me if you guys could follow it. I am so excited to communicate with you guys now! : D


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