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The Top 5 Struggles of a Blogger

     Today, I wanted to do a post that is very different. Last night, I was so stressed out about my blog that I could not sleep. I realized blogging is not that easy. Nothing is very easy. Blogging seemed easy to me because I have always loved to write. Writing can be very stressful though. This week's post I will be talking about the top five struggles a blogger has. Especially me. : )
1. Writer's Block
     Writer's block to me is the absolute worst! I hate it soooo much! I hate when I can not think of what to write. It stresses me out so much. I brainstorm so much that I can not even concentrate. I have a notebook that I put all my ideas in that is full. I constantly have to remind myself to keep praying. God will put the topic on my heart soon. I just have to keep trusting in him no matter what. He is the one who gave me the gift for writing, so I must look to him always.
2. Getting Started
     Whenever I have something to write about either a blog, a short story, or an essay the worst part is beginning. There are many ways to begin. There is a rhetorical question, introducing the setting or characters, or begin with suspense. It is so hard to come up with hooking, strong topic sentences. Sometimes I will just ramble and it takes FOREVER for me to get started on my blog, or get to the point. Of course, y'all already know that. ; D
3. Self Consciousness/ Fear
     One of my worst feelings is the awkwardness when someone reads my writing. I hate people reading my writing. When I started the blog, I was terrified. I waited four months before I released I had a blog to the public. I was so scared. Now, it does not bother me. I love writing for the public now. I absolutely love the feedback y'all give. <3
4. Not Following a Schedule
     This one really defines me as a blogger. I am never on time!! I either write too much or not at all. When I first started, I stayed constant with three posts until January. What helps is writing many post, so I do not have to play catch up all the time. I have many backup posts if I do not have an idea for the week. Backups are a lifesaver!!!
5. The Views
     The hardest part of being a blogger is the views. If there are too many, we get built up in pride. If there is fewer views on a post, we get discouraged. This defines me well. Not a lot of people like to read anymore. That is what makes a writer's life difficult. It is a dying art. When I post on my social medias, I get hundreds of views, but not near enough on my blog. I understand because they have a life and are probably busy. It just can be very discouraging.
     I felt so discouraged last week. I lost so many views. I can not tell you how good it felt riding back from church and getting a text from a friend from school saying how much she enjoys reading my blog. Just one person saying that really encouraged me. I felt God telling me in my heart it was okay. If one person is touched by my blog, I am satisfied. I would rather have one reader that is brought to Jesus through my blog than a million saved people reading. Thinking about that really made me feel better.


     Well, this is my post for the week. I liked doing something different. I hope yall enjoyed seeing what it is like being in a blogger's shoes! I love yall, and I am praying for y'all! 

Your Sister In Christ,
Kayla R. <3


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