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How Rachel's Story Changed My Life

     This morning I woke up remembering that yesterday was the 21st anniversary of the Columbine Massacre of 1999. I remember when I first heard this story. It broke me so much, and it also changed my life. When I found the movie, someone told me with was bad. I began to believe them. I thought it was a movie making fun of Christianity. I was wrong, and so was that person.
    When I watched the trailer, and I discovered what it was truly about. It was about a young girl around my age who was persecuted for being a Christian and ended up being the first victim of the school shooting.
      Rachel Joy Scott was very bold in her faith later on. She was kinda like me in a way in the past. She hid her salvation because she was embarrassed because of her friends, but did not come out publicly until God had gotten her attention. I was that girl two years ago. I hid my faith because some of my friends at that time wanted me to. They were embarrassed by me. I was Rachel.
     I believe God allowed me to hear this story because I was running far from him. I was lonely. Broken. What was missing in my life was having a relationship with God. I needed to come to my Heavenly Father. This is how Rachel felt.
     Rachel believed in a theory. She believed if one person showed compassion, it would start a chain reaction. She was not wrong. I believe she did start one. Even after her death. A few minutes before Rachel's death, she was witnessing to a boy who needed Jesus. She had no idea it was her last day. After she witnessed, she was shot many times but was still alive.
     The shooters asked her one question.

"Do you still believe in God?"

     Rachel answered bravely with her last words before they pulled the trigger for the final shot.

"You know I do."

     After her bravery standing up for God, she met him. This really got to me. From that day forward, I began to build a relationship with my Heavenly Father. Do you have a relationship with him? Are you in check?

     One last thing I wanted to say before I close. You have no clue what anyone is going through until you get to know them. The two shooters were young boys. They have bullied their whole life. It could have been prevented if someone would have shown them compassion. They had terrible home lives. Their parents were never home. Today, their parents grieve because if they would have shown more attention, it could have been prevented.
     The two boys were obsessed with Hitler. Teachers never stopped their obsession. The boys killed the disabled, blacks, and Christians. There is no going back to fix the past. Today, please, show compassion. Help others. Be concerned. Parents, pay attention to your children. Show them love. This dark world needs light.
     This burden has been on my heart since I woke up this morning. Please share this message. We need to change the world.

Your Sister In Christ,
Kayla R. <3


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