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Happy Easter!

     Happy Easter guys! I love this holiday so much. Not because it is in the spring, and I get a new Easter Dress. I love it because my savior died for me. He suffered on a cross he could have left if he wanted to. He could have stayed in the grave, but he rose from the dead for me. What an amazing Savior we have! Oh, how he loves us!
     I am so happy he suffered and bled for me even though I do not deserve any bit of it. I am a dirty, rotten sinner. My sins are as filthy rags. (Isaiah 64:6) Because of him, we have salvation if we just believe, repent, and trust in him. (Romans 10) I am so thankful he saved me on June 18,2015. Without him, I would be lost and doomed. Because of him, I have eternity to look forward to.
     This Easter is not what we planned. I did not expect to spend Easter this year in my car, listening to my pastor on the radio.
     I did not expect for our nation to go into lockdown rather than going to God's house to hear about salvation. Easter is the day when most are saved. I tell you, no one expected Jesus to rise again either. When Mary went to the tomb, she did not expect the stone to be rolled away. Jesus's disciples did not expect to see Jesus again on earth with the nail scars in his hands.
     Nothing can stop our God! Not the coronavirus, war, famine, stock market, or the devil. We serve a great God who loves us more than we know! He is an AWESOME, MIGHTY, MERCIFUL God.

 "For I am persuaded, that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come,  Nor heightnor depthnor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord."
Romans 8: 38-39

     When Mary arrived at the tomb, the angel said, "He isn't here, he has risen." Jesus died and rose again so you and I can taste salvation. Salvation is only through Jesus. Jesus sits on the right hand of God, a place of power, honor, expectancy, authority, intercession, and completion. He has given us eternal life if we just accept him. Have you accepted him? Are you lost and in need of a savior? Just come to him. He is waiting with open arms. He suffered and died for our salvation. Accept him today. <3

Your Sister In Christ,
Kayla R. <3


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