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"Can You Hear Me?"

     Lately, I have been feeling discouraged. Last week I struggled with my faith more than ever. I had asked God many times last week,

"Can you hear me?"

     I felt as if I was being ignored. I could not feel the peace I normally feel by God. I struggled with many sleepless nights and tears. I prayed for a long time asking God where he was. Why was he ignoring me?

     I talked to friends about this, and they did not know what to say. They told me I needed to pray, and that God was not forsaking me. After this, I began to pray more. I went for a long walk in a park with a lake and just talked with God nonstop. I prayed about everything. I prayed for my future, the epidemic, people in need. Most of all I prayed for our country and churches.

     What we need is to all come together in faith. I prayed all week for this to happen. This week God answered my prayers. My church was able to have actual services rather than radio and live stream. We were able to be socially distanced outside in lawn chairs singing praises to God while worshipping.

     Livestream is not a church to me. The church is God's people coming together to glorify him. God did not forsake me. I just needed to have faith in him. Faith that he had the power. There is nothing in the universe that can stop our God.

     He is the Alpha and Omega! The beginning and the end! He is our refuge and strength during this time of trouble. He is with us always. He hears us no matter how broken and terrible we are. He hears a lost and broken unsaved person as he does with a saved person. What a great God we serve!

Your Sister In Christ,
Kayla R.<3


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